Removing Duels is the worst decision this company ever made

I’m fine with a few games playing against boring meta but after I earned the necessary gold would switch to Duels. Arena is worse, Battlegrounds is worse than that, Mercenaries is even worse than both. Why they would get rid of the one entertaining and endlessly replayable mode and keep the rest is absolutely beyond me.

I put money into your free game Blizzard. But I have no motivation to going forward. This is not a threat, it is a statement of fact.

Best of luck with your game.


R.I.P. duels R.I.P. hearthstone


Because Duels required constant updates when new cards were introduced. If it makes you feel any better, there is a chance Duels will come back in a Twist season.

If they weren’t already worried about the consequences of new cards they put out then what exactly are they doing?

They are being efficient with their resources. Updating Duels costs them money, and they saw they weren’t getting enough from it so they decided to close it. If you want Duels back, you have to be willing to give them a huge amount of money every month.

It was the least played format ever and suddenly everyone is complaining :man_shrugging:

How do you know that it was the least played? Queue times for duels were the shortest of any of the game formats I played, I never encountered bots to my knowledge, and there seems to be plenty of people on here who played and enjoyed it.


Duels gone and sh.t mercenaries still here.
Well done.

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Hardly … there are way worse decisions in the last 10 years this company has made, but you keep spending money still , its your own fault

How do you know? Do you have the stats to prove it? People like you who THINK they know something only someone on the inside would know proves how pathetic the human race is.

Agreed! I have been playing this game since the very beginning, and now I’m out. Greed, no gameplay improvements. The Dungeon mode in solo was the best idea ever, but no… they don’t seem to care about people enjoying themselves on their own time at their own pace. Gotta have a toxic in your face competitive money brawl. Duels was the best compromise and the best PvP mode to play. Didn’t enjoy BGs at all, why in the world was that bundled with HS? Mercenaries was crap. So now I’m out, for good. Uninstalled. Too much greed and not enough fun gameplay. Bye Microsoft, and whatever is left of what used to be Blizzard.

if anything mercenaries is next in the line to be chopped… :person_shrugging:

Pretty sure it was played more than mercenaries

Can’t read? Cuz I addressed this

It doesn’t make sense if they wanted to make money off of duels I’m certain they could figure out a way to monitize it. And I don’t believe that no one was playing it because as previously stated the que wait time was almost non existant. The only think I can think of is their excuse that people were abusing it somehow to gain in game gold. If that is the case why not simply take away that feature and replace it with something else you can earn?