REMOVE or NERF Sanitize

This card is way too powerful. Warriors have WAY too many board clears with how much else is in their toolkit right now. Sanitize is the worst offender. This needs to have downsides with how easy it is for Warriors to gain armor. It needs to remove armor or something.

They are way, way too strong.


And it’s Even cost, so Even Warrior Wild thanks you Blizz for the upgrade.

Quote for truth. Board cleared from the BS and into 50 damage from Odyn zug zug. Figure it out Blizz.


Thank god blizzard doesn’t balance this around WILD. You people knew what you were signing up for when you started playing WILD.

just nerf Oydn he’s the main problem with warrior deck.


WTF are you even talking about? Literally nobody cares about your opinion lolz

Odyn is insane only because of the sheer amount of armor basically every Warrior card gives. It’s way more likely a Warrior will draw 5+ armor per turn (starting at round 2) than not.

If you look at how something like DK plays compared to Warrior, it’s like whoever is designing these classes plays two separate games, and neither has a clue.


Respectfully disagree. Odyn doesn’t end the game when he drops on the board. You still have to get armor before you can throw a lethal. I think Sanitize (especially after the Trial by Fire buff) has given Warrior a lot of options.

Blizzard is watching the miniset and it was planned probably before the Warrior buffs came down the pipeline (their schedule i believe is a about a year ahead of current releases) so I don’t think they considered that Warrior would have been buffed so hard by now. Remember - before the Warrior buffs, Control Warrior was unplayable. Often the meta wrecks whatever foolish plans a developer had that looked good when they wrote it all down.

Sanitize is just nuts. 4 mana to demolish an entire board is nuts. Any other card for another class doing the same thing would be 8 or higher.

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Exactly. I don’t understand how this even went through. Don’t get me wrong, the entire game right now is GO BIG OR GO HOME, but this card is just too much.

i will go ahead and agree with this being a problem card … i still think the bigger offender is odyn, but this card also feels really bad … given that it is very cheap and very versatile … at 4 mana, it is 1 more than reckless flurry that removed all your armor for the same effect (you still lose your own board in both cases) … and for a 2 mana kicker you can pay at any time, you can actually gain 3 armor first … against aggro decks this card makes sense as an early “let’s try to get into a mid-game maybe” card … but with odyn looming behind this this card feels really gross … maybe the drawback should be “cannot attack the enemy hero this turn” instead of losing armor … that way if you want to play this card as a board clear you can do so, and if you want to attack to clear reborn/deathrattle minions, you can do so, but you can’t just otk with it since it also adds 3 damage to the attack after odyn has been played

Guess I hit a nerve? LOL

Hey, sanitize was nerfed. Guess I was right and you were wrong. lmao bye