Remove Lamplighter

This card isn’t fair to play against and ruins the entire game. No one ever, in any circumstance, should be able to kill you from full hp to dead from hand. Ever.

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Daylight savings time might be ending, but that doesn’t mean we set the clocks back to May.

And you think only Lamp Lighter can to that? Man… there are way more cards which can make this happen in the game… Lamp Lighter just need to be changed to hit only minions… thats all… but the problem is much more bigger than that. :frowning:

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I don’t think we can be friends.

I see everyone either mocks you or does whataboutism. “No one ever, in any circumstance, should be able to kill you from full hp to dead from hand. Ever.” is wrong, because you don’t take into account a deck that does it might be obscenely weak for way too long and they may have the OTK way too late so that makes it very fair; e.g. imagine a deck that has almost no threats or defenses until round 10 and then at round 11 or higher has the OTK; if that deck exists it will have an obscenely low win rate against everything but the most low damage control decks and I doubt it can win over even those.

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I have to disagree.
Lamplighter has a slow mechanic (increases damage for each turn in-a-row you’ve played an elemental). After playing with it for a while, which I suggest you to try so you could see it by yourself, I see it starts becoming useful or dangerous when it deals 8 damage. Opponents that more or less know or see it coming, specially warriors and druids, use to grow their armor a lot to prevent being caught by this card.
Of course Rogues can play it more and better (with Shadowstep or Sandbox scoundrel or Breaking Dance), but they also play Griftah or Gyreworm, equally to win their games.
Also nowadays, by turn 8, you can perfectly be already dead, so once again, it’s a slow card that requires a quite particular setup.

As for the cards / effects that bring your life down to zero from full life, there are already many examples that are not likely to be removed at all, such as: Odyn effect, Druid concierge with drinks and spell damage, Crescendo with Popgar and some fatigue accumulated… On the contrary, there are some cards effects that are much more difficult than this card to take care of that are not even mentioned to be nerfed nor erased (Wheel of death that leave a very short time of reaction, Boomboss bombs that erase up to 3 cards each, corrupted tickatus in wild, purified shard, 3 horsemen effect from Baron Rivendare, the 4 horsemen effect from Uther…).

All in all, Lamplighter is a good card, and calling it Over-Powered and that there should be no cards that win from full life, seems to me quite excessive.

It is slower mechanics but it is really hard to break the elemental chain… so become too strong faster than it should… and together with “other” mechanics… it is still a problem for slower decks. It should hit only minions… not characters.

Is it really that hard to use Clumsy Steward into Frozen Over, with Cold Feet as backup insurance?
Cuz this combo breaks a lotta chains but it most especially shuts down a deck who NEEDS to play something right now or else it may as well just go back to the lobby right now

Yes, because if it is not in your hand in time… then the enemy will just use a 1 cost elemental for 6 mana and thats it…

If I must encourage the use of the absolute dumbest cards to ever base a strat solely around I shall! Cast cold feet twice with tidepool pupils help if you must, use the loathsome coldlight oracle if you need to leave them empty handed, conceirge to reduce the conjured spells cost. Throw quicksand and hela at them. If this idea is worth doing, it’s worth going all in on increasing their costs and trying to do it right.