Remove diablo from duels

Just… cut him out of the selection pool. it’s not fun to go against and too simple to enjoy playing as.


If it wasn’t for the warlock quest I wouldn’t mind Diablo


exactly however, i think even the treasures are a issue.
heal fire stomp. 6/2 cleave which is easily upgraded. taking double damage after a full board clear ( seriously wtf ). the other three are thankfully hard to complte but still even those are insane.

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I thought he was a limited time event, or was that just in Battlegrounds?

Maybe it’s just my MMR, but I haven’t seen much of those. In fact, some of Diablo’s stuff (like the double damage board clear or discard hero power) I’ve seen literally once…when I was using them! Though maybe that’s because of people taking their time with unlocking them.

Doing something about how he interacts with the quest would be a great first step at the very least

I’m not sure. From 21.6’s patch notes:


Diablo will be Duels’s first dual-class character, combining powerful Warlock and Warrior card pools and effects!

At first I thought this mean he was limited time, just like BG Diablo. But look at the wording sentence and title. Perhaps he’s “limited time” in the sense of only appearing periodically. This could use some clarification.


facts. the issue i always have is quest = win because hes able to attack into something with large damage… that damage dosnt damage him but me…

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Wouldn’t count on it, these devs are not too bright.

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At least I got to play him in duels. Never once in bgs…the rng for getting him there dia-blows.

I know that this is not related, but they should also fix the “imp tresure bug”

Preach, It’s like they just trying to force advertisement to correlate with Diablo IV.
It’s very frustrating as he completely ruins any semblance of balance in Duels. It really should be addressed. Blizz Devs having a laugh, i swear they don’t play their own game. IT IS NOT FUN TO PLAY AGAINST DIABLO.

It feels brain dead and non-interactive. When you start the fight and feel a sense of helplessness right away due to how over powered your opponent is going to be, it kills the drive to play.

what are you talking about

it was removed after OP posted about it !!!

They should just change the warlock quest so that you have to take damage from your cards instead of just taking damage on your turn. That way he can’t complete it insanely fast by just attacking things.

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Or dont give him things to hit? But I agree for some reason I hate playing as him as its always too slow to get anything done or going before Im dead, and against him it is always way too fast to be able to do anything against. And I select the same cards as I see them using! (except the legendaries like that murloc)

If the supposed counter is to not play minions then that just means the quest is a 1-mana cost guaranteed draw that eliminates all enemy minions from the game. That’s even more powerful.

Or, like, save them up to play them more than one at a time to be able to whittle diablo down to almost near death by the time they can even finish the quest, last one I beat could only finish the quest if they suicided using their power as they had 1 hp and 1 armor left. So thats how it ended lol.