Remove all the trash minions from Battlegrounds


Please remove all the trash minions from Battlegrounds. Your analytics can tell you which minions that I am talking about. The ones that are rarely played and rarely picked. They are gumming up the works and preventing players from getting good minions. Here are some examples:

Mistake (Bring back Tier 4 Ball of minions, it was actually useful)
Patient Scout
Menagerie Mug
Spawn of N’Zoth
Ghoul of the Feast
Qiraji Harbringer
Witchwing Nestmatron
Champion of Y’Shaarj
Aggem Thorncurse
The Boogie Monster

These minions feel like they were created because someone wanted to justify their job. But these minions are hurting the game!

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Let’s see… I take it all menagerie minions, minions that don’t directly target a specific tribe… oh yeah, all trash minions indeed, and certainly not someone who doesn’t know how to play multiple tribes.

Um, so you want a refined, OP minion pool where if you don’t REALLY high roll now, you lose?