Remember when cards used to be

Actual resources? That you had to use wisely? And not every single card discovered another card that discovered another card which discovered another card?


I like it better that way because the game just becomes boring when you run out of resources and I care more about playing than winning.

Also if you go Discover into Discover into Discover etc. (which doesn’t happen that often) you’re generally playing “under value” like if you’re playing three 2/2 Face Collectors on 9 mana. So playing constantly Discover cards also has weaknesses and it’s not like Zephrys in which you always get the perfect card.

Nevertheless if you like it more without or with less Discover there could be a mode with custom rules for that. I would like even more Discover and other crazy shenanigans; you less and more consistent play. I hope that such a mode will be implemented eventually. It would be better for everyone.

I started playing during League of explorers. The old gods set that updated the game after that is very good but was making the game worse by then already. I really didnt like what the old gods set did to the gameplay. Well I couldn’t have imagined then how much worse it all would get after that. The game went downhill so fast after that set. Hs really lost the meaningfull feel of the intial sets. A card like Savannah Highmane for example was just awesome and terrifying then. The current gamestate is really poor compared to Hearthstones’ fullfilling gameplay-feel it had in the early days.

Maybe this feeling was fueled by my own perception too and when I got to know the game better and better it started feeling more and more blend. During my first experiences i had no clue what i was doing. I was wondering what that magic word meta was meaning and why it was important. I remember admiring Kripparian a lot too back then lolz.Also I didnt net deck back then. The netdecking is what kills HS. Btw, everybody who doesn’t have a clue should play Savannah Highmane and then you will be good :wink:

I don’t mind you discovering cards btw. I do pity the RNG bs HS always implements. Probably thats to make the bad players win too now and then. I would like the game so much more when it would be a real intelligent showdown of our brilliant autistic minds :smiley:

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