OK. I freely admit I am the cause of my problems. I added a 1TB external hard drive and attempted to export my Blizz files to that drive. I failed. Somehow. Anyway, they show up there but I guess because I copied them over instead of doing something more tech savvy they don’t work. So … I need to reinstall WoW on my hard drive. I can’t uninstall through Windows Program Manager but have to do so thru OK, fine. I go to, and cannot find any uninstall directions. So I figure OK, I’ll just reinstall WoW on the drive. Nope. Can’t find any “install” buttons on either, although I was assured somewhere down the Blizzard rabbit hole that such a button exists on

So: Can anyone help me? I just want to reinstall WoW on the HD. Do I need to uninstall the copied files first? If so, how do I do it. If I can simply reinstall WoW over the copied files, how do I do that? I promise I will follow any and all directions carefully, and further that I will gladly praise anyone whose help got the job done to all the WoW Gods in the known universe.


This is the Hearthstone forum not the WoW forum.

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