Regarding overall stats about game

I see people posting a specific deck/class win Percentage and the cards used the most. My issue with this is how is that data being gathered?

Is it from Blizzard servers themselves (or) a 3rd party program like deck tracker?

Just seems like it can NOT be accurate if 1 our of 3 million players have the software to track data while 2 million do not.

If Blizzard releases said data to 3rd party sites that is their business, but if they don’t how are they getting the data because I am not giving it to anyone, as I do not use any 3rd party software.

Why would the data come out wrong if you collect a 1 million person sample out of a 3 million person population?

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can confirm the data is correct regarding Pure Paladin Winrate, considering i have 0% winrate against that deck as Druid