Reddit refugee thread

Good thing I don’t propaganda post for the company.

“The changes” didn’t shut down anything: actiblizz locked out their own diminishing playerbase because they had a hissy fit over paying a bill. Remember:

you know, the poor indie company who couldn’t afford to pay a reddit bill.

“But the poor indie company might be struggling financially!” I hear someone calling out from the back of the room.

Let’s check in with old “bought me another yacht” kotick himself:

“For the quarter ended March 31, 2023, Activision Blizzard’s net revenues presented in accordance with GAAP were $2.38 billion

-page 1 (emphasis added)

https:// investor

Guess they really ARE too poor to pay a reddit bill.

Note, for those paying attention when you see a line being repeated almost verbatim, from people taking the side of a scummy multibillion dollar company you are watching people posting talking points from somewhere. Again. Two of them with a track record of doing so on these forums.

coc violating trolling and harassment, which the mods will of course ignore.

What is “spot on” is that the scummy multibillion dollar company decided to lock out it’s own community (something more than one poster here) has literally directed people to:

because the official site for the game hasn’t had a gold post since before the pandemic.

And while the same crowd making excuses and deflecting on this issue (“oh no, the exodus of players has nothing to do with the players being absent from the community…the same reason the devs are flooding the game with bots, even up to legend…total coincidence!”) the simple fact is, like they have often posted, when the shoe is on the player’s foot: price hikes are a part of life. If anyone can afford to pay, it’s actiblizz.

Locking out your dwindling community of players for any length of time is petty. It shows you’re willing to sacrifice them rather than work to resolve the issue. It doesn’t make reddit look bad, once again it exposes actiblizz as the scummy mega corp that cares so little for its playerbase, it locks them out of the community space they created for them.

The worst part: they would promptly C&D anyone who created another community there. Because if actiblizz can’t have it, no one can.

It SHOULD, but the devs have shown that we aren’t worth hearing from for over three years now.

On the company’s offical website.

And now, they lock out the community in a fit of pique because a fraction all the money they raked in from price increases (or unneeded garbage like runestones [the failed multicurrency system from HoTS]) over the same period they can’t be bothered to post, respond, or interact with us here couldn’t go towards paying a reddit bill.

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