Reddit refugee thread

Hello forum friends, it’s been a while…

In case you haven’t heard, the entirety of Reddit is kind of in shambles at the moment. Long story short it looks like the Hearthstone sub is going to be shut down indefinitely unless the situation improves.

So I guess this is our home for the foreseeable future. Be nice :sweat_smile:


it takes me twenty characters to ask “why?”

I was wondering if there were others who migrated here. Feel free to ignore :man_shrugging:

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so no elaboration on what you talking about? okay


Sorry to hear that, op. Given the current state of the game it isn’t surprising so I hope you and your friends are able to find a home somewhere. Whether it’s here or elsewhere. Also, welcome to the forums. Sorry it wasn’t friendlier.

Me, a person who reads the op, sees:

“Ah, apparently, the community there is ‘in shambles.’ Then he literally spells out that he’s wondering if people migrated from there to here. If op knew he would probably go into more detail, or it isn’t relevant. What IS relevant is this is that he has made a ‘community refugee thread.’”
Most wouldn’t find it hard to follow, because it’s not rocket science.

::Reads op again in confusion AND the op’s second post, thinking “this isn’t a spy thriller novel, where’s the deeper meaning that’s so hard to follow?”::

Really, you guys just need to up your reading comprehension. I understood his op and response perfectly fine. Also, maybe work on some basic empathy. It’s not that hard.

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Hi there why is it going to be shut down also welcome to hearthstone forums :slight_smile:

i have no idea how you linked whats happening on reddit and the subs black outs protests agaisnt the policy changes thatll cause reddits third party apps to shut down … to this game thats a twisted logic

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heartstone sub is just one of thousands going on read only or private as a protest agaisnt Reddit change to API pricing

Recently, Reddit has significantly increased its API pricing, rendering it increasingly unaffordable for third-party app developers to continue their services. The prohibitive cost threatens to make it difficult to mod from mobile, stifle innovation, limit user choice, and effectively shut down a significant portion of the culture we’ve all come to appreciate. Indeed, on May 31, 2023, when these changes were announced, every third party app developer on Reddit made essentially the same statement: “I will have to shut down the app.” Apps can also no longer show ads which was a primary source of revenue. So not only do they have to pay exorbitant fees, they can’t even mitigate those fees with ads.

in many cases these apps offer superior mod tools, customization, streamlined interfaces, and other quality of life improvements that the official app does not offer.

the apps that will shut down include ones offering accesibiliy features and mod tools

how did boba found a link to HS game state still a mystery to me …


you are lying the protests are completely unrelated to HS is just one of thousands going private for 48 hrs to protest

you claimed to know what OP was talking about im guessing that was a lie too

I’m not the one that cant comprehend what im reading. I understood they said reddit was in shambles. my question was why? having nothing for context for it that isnt an unreasonable question. I dont visit reddit often, or really at all. this is the only place Ive even seen anyone mention reddit in quite a long time. so elaboration was requested for said context, for i am one of those that hadn’t heard.

after getting some info it would appear the state of the game has zero to do with anything going on with reddit right now. boba came out of hibernation to just be the preprogrammed bot with his attacks to just mindlessly chatgpt -like conjecture connections that dont exist. nothing new there.


projection, the post. I love how someone who has nothing but vandalize this thread since showing up has the nerve to make this accusation. Naturally, mods allow this because reasons.

Hey mods? There’s a whole categories in the coc about inciting unrest and harassment on the forums. Supposedly no one is exempt from, yet there’s always a sub group of posters who can get away with making comments like these and much worse. Creating unrest and harassment is creating unrest and harassment and violates coc. Period.

I mean, only if you literally didn’t read where I walked it through where anyone who didn’t have reading comprehension set to “0” could understand it.

It’s “can’t” and “I’m” (and that’s just from this quote!). If you’re going to engage in racist trolling against ESL posters for a cheap coc violating “gotcha”, do try and at least make sure to use proper punctuation, and pay attention to your spell checker.

Clearly not, because your first two posts were all about needing a deep dive on something that was easy to follow. Like the time you couldn’t figure out who the new DK hero that had been posted multiple times on the thread, yet you continued to deny the simple facts right in front of your face…if you’d bothered to stop and read the thread.

source: dude trust me.

Naturally, people will stay active in a game’s community when they stop playing the game…because reasons. Literally someone from the community there says otherwise, yet someone who

now claims to know more then someone from the community. And him and the other one will continue their derailment and vandalizing of the thread with zero repercussions.

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I mean to be honest, The official forum should be where all the magic happens anyway.


You should take your own advice.

The changes at reddit are shutting down subs for lots of things, not just hearthstone. The problem isn’t agame specific and the state of this game isn’t relevant to the problem.

The competitive TFT sub went dark already, too.

Reddit tried a powerplay and it will likely have major effects. Nevermind that they got a huge influx of funding from the people behind “he gets us” ads and those are spamming all over the place now, too.

Wow, Cramer, that’s a smooth take down and spot on.


Good thing I don’t propaganda post for the company.

“The changes” didn’t shut down anything: actiblizz locked out their own diminishing playerbase because they had a hissy fit over paying a bill. Remember:

you know, the poor indie company who couldn’t afford to pay a reddit bill.

“But the poor indie company might be struggling financially!” I hear someone calling out from the back of the room.

Let’s check in with old “bought me another yacht” kotick himself:

“For the quarter ended March 31, 2023, Activision Blizzard’s net revenues presented in accordance with GAAP were $2.38 billion

-page 1 (emphasis added)

https:// investor

Guess they really ARE too poor to pay a reddit bill.

Note, for those paying attention when you see a line being repeated almost verbatim, from people taking the side of a scummy multibillion dollar company you are watching people posting talking points from somewhere. Again. Two of them with a track record of doing so on these forums.

coc violating trolling and harassment, which the mods will of course ignore.

What is “spot on” is that the scummy multibillion dollar company decided to lock out it’s own community (something more than one poster here) has literally directed people to:

because the official site for the game hasn’t had a gold post since before the pandemic.

And while the same crowd making excuses and deflecting on this issue (“oh no, the exodus of players has nothing to do with the players being absent from the community…the same reason the devs are flooding the game with bots, even up to legend…total coincidence!”) the simple fact is, like they have often posted, when the shoe is on the player’s foot: price hikes are a part of life. If anyone can afford to pay, it’s actiblizz.

Locking out your dwindling community of players for any length of time is petty. It shows you’re willing to sacrifice them rather than work to resolve the issue. It doesn’t make reddit look bad, once again it exposes actiblizz as the scummy mega corp that cares so little for its playerbase, it locks them out of the community space they created for them.

The worst part: they would promptly C&D anyone who created another community there. Because if actiblizz can’t have it, no one can.

It SHOULD, but the devs have shown that we aren’t worth hearing from for over three years now.

On the company’s offical website.

And now, they lock out the community in a fit of pique because a fraction all the money they raked in from price increases (or unneeded garbage like runestones [the failed multicurrency system from HoTS]) over the same period they can’t be bothered to post, respond, or interact with us here couldn’t go towards paying a reddit bill.

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As an avid lurker of 4chan, I feel the need to say the phrase everyone there uses:

“You need to go back.”

Sorry to hear that is nowhere to go back to though.

Apparently you don’t use reddit.

Reddit change their api pricing AND forbid third party apps from placing ads, which will basically put a whole bunch of third party addon services for reddit out of business because they can’t pay and can’t earn revenues.

It has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING blizzard, Activision, Microsoft, riot, or any other game house has done. Nada. Zip.

… it isn’t blizzard’s bill, you ignoramus.

In an open letter to the Reddit community and management, moderator BuckRowdy detailed how moderators and admins use mod tools, customization options, and streamlined interfaces offered by third party apps that rely on Reddit’s API to effectively manage their communities. Since Reddit’s own app is clunky at best — with a basic UI that is inconvenient to use — a vast number of Reddit users prefer third party-apps like Apollo, which make it much easier for users to access and moderate Reddit content.

“The potential loss of these services due to the pricing change would significantly impact our ability to moderate efficiently, thus negatively affecting the experience for users in our communities and for us as mods and users ourselves,” BuckRowdy said in the letter.

And here is the company version of the changes:


Obvious troll has come out of its brumation to just troll the forums and cry victim all over the place. just dont feed it. The cognitive disconnect this forum detractor willingly engages itself in is just absurd levels of being super saiyan levels of crying victim for itself, others, and finding offense even in grammar.

by the way, i dont engage in capital i or using the ’ for my contractions because i choose to. im not incapable of it, i know they exist, i, like you, make a choice, to be a certain way. only my certain way is merely punctuation and grammar errors I dont care enough about to use my shift key for. the way you choose to be, is just borderline between criminally annoying and sadistically victimhood mentality.

Ok, following my own advice now, no more feeding the obvious troll lol

Edit: not many a thing bring me and Neon Ghost onto the same page about and same side of. lol. Ive got a mental image of the Federation and the Klingon Empire coming together at DS9 to show the Dominion whats what. lol thanks neon, btw for the shout out compliment. You are also spot on with :



No one cares. You aren’t special.enough to need to announce your presence.

This thread is moot, the subreddit is open again.