Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

Please consider giving players that did not abuse this exploit some form of compensation (gold/packs/something).



Taking away dust given is ok, but why did you have to take away all the dust I had gathered. You gave me 6000 but took back that and the 1500 I had gathered.


Chicken Little was on to something…Don’t look up

I’m sure that I’ve got less dust than before. Before the extra dust was credited to my account I had around 3,200 dust. I crafted one legendary and I’m now down to 395 dust. I should still have about 1,600 dust left…I tried to raise a ticket through the support webpage but it has directed me to these forums.

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I got 9k dust and spent it all lol …


People calling using the free dust an exploit are deranged.
They gave a bunch of dust how can you expect most people to NOT use it?
Yes it seemed out of the ordinary, but players using it did not willfully exploit a bug. It was not like there was some trick to getting a bunch of dust. It just happened.
I have no idea if they’ll rescind the crafted cards or not, but why care if someone else gets some freebies? Good for them. Haters on parade.


And there was zero fanfare, no announcement when I got 11,200 dust, if I’d have blinked I’d have missed the notification. I knew it wasn’t normal as anyone with a brain would have. To sit on it to see what would happen was the smart move. Blizz better not reward the thieves…


A reminder to exploit early and often, thanks for nothing Blizzard


Noooooooo! I didn’t even get a chance to spend my dust :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:


I was given 3200 x2 dust, before that I had 3000 dust, and yesterday I checked my dust it was 4600 and today I checked it again it backed to 3000 dust again, it means I did not get any dust. Please fix it.

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I’m just wondering where my dust is. Apparently, things were fixed, but I never got my bonus dust back, so am at a complete loss. Here’s hoping mine shows up soon!

if i ask you , from which card you expect bonus dust , the reply is ?

Not some — all. I don’t care by what error you gave out thousands of dust. You don’t take back what you give.

So give it all back.

All of it.


Good luck with that, not gonna happen

Keep checking in to see if there’s any changes and still hearing there’s probably nothing. Great trade deal. Probably worst in history.


Not sure exactly which ones, since there are numerous different ones they were giving dust compensation for, apparently. The two different ones you could select one of early on before the expansion release (Drek and Vanndarr), Lokholar, and a bunch of others apparently on the reward track. Not sure if there are more, but those I’ve listed were apparently part of this whole thing.

Tell me more , so you get multiple Dreks , multiple Vanndarrs , multiple Lokholars ? normal ? golden ?

Becouse is fun people dont know what caused the bug , dont know the bug , dont know cards involved , but know they are elegible for dust refunds …


Is the bug still going on? Just logged in to see “You have received 2100 arcane dust”, after checking I had 0 dust. Not sure what’s going on.

They giveth, then taketh away

Here’s what I’d like to see as a result of this:

  1. Add an in-game dust transaction log that displays gains and losses in dust and for what reason
  2. Provide an in-game list of cards that have been removed from my inventory and why

If you’re going to treat dust like a bank account and remove incorrectly awarded dust then provide a log, because I don’t remember each and every card I’ve disenchanted and exactly which cards I’ve crafted, because your ‘solution’ has only made this EVEN MORE confusing.