Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

All the dust I was giving was taken away. I was only given the dust once and its all gone my dust count is where it was before any was given so I got 0 more dust than I had before.

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Blizzard, this sucks and it was handled terribly and you suck for giving Dust to everyone and then taking it back. :scream:

I wish I’d crafted it all. I did the “right thing” and held off, crafting only one Legend and a few rares, and if I’d gone and crafted it all maybe I’d actually have the tools I need to make Legend.

Now I just want to go on Hearthstrike again, like I did for the last few months. This game seems to promote bad behavior from the top to the bottom, sometimes.


so I am going to guess that this needs a “soon-TM” meme added…

Btw, your heal script to fix the heal script to fix the original script…might need some auditing.


Here’s how I’d handle it if I were running Blizzard:

I’d give every account 5000 Dust, immediately, just for going through this, and in order to broaden the meta, and for putting up with the nonsense we’ve been seeing out of Kotick for years.

Three Legendaries and two rares, for every account. Are you brave enough? I doubt it’ll even hurt your sales much.

I need dozens of Legendaries myself, and they do cost us $30-50 in Dust value out here per card as a general rule.

This entire thing has very much shown me how exploitative the current Hearthstone “ownership” model is and how much we don’t really own our own collections, since you can reach into and out of them at any time.


Uh, more like “supplier credits you for error in inventory, you spend the money, supplier says oops our initial credit was wrong, now you owe us”.

But in this example the supplier has the ability to just take your money, and not be SoL for their initial error instead of probably having no recourse.


Wow. What a mess. I had just came back from a year or so break and first day back this happens and I lose all the dust I had saved up. Makes me question why I even launched HS again anyway. The sad part is I know why, because I like the card game. The card game is good. But everything around this card game I love is like constantly on fire and makes me feel frustrated that it can’t just be decent like it used to. there has been countless decisions and mistakes by this company that just makes one want to leave one of their favorite games.

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“Here’s how I’d handle X if I was involved in game development or management, except I’m not involved in game development or management and never have been and have no clue what I’m talking about and don’t know if anything I’m proposing is viable or logical at all”

This is these forums in a nutshell, really.

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1/20 Update:

The heal-up correction has been completed

You need to do a lot more for this “Heal-Up” to actually be completed. A lot of people are rightly pissed off. A simple “sorry for the inconvenience and confusion” doesn’t cut it. How many more times do you really think you can do this to an already dwindling player base?


we’ve looked into it extensively and have not seen any player end up with less Dust than they started with

Right so I’m going to say that there must be something wrong with whatever database you’re checking against. I play this game every day, I was saving up dust for the next expansion, I KNOW how much dust I had before this whole fiasco, and I know how much i had after you ran your “Heal-Up Correction”, and it’s off by at least 1000 dust in my case. I am frustrated that you would look at this volume of complaints and just flat out say the equivalent of “no, you are all remembering wrong”.


So I still have TWO uncraftedable/undustable golden legendary DUPLICATES. Where is my dust for this goof are you guys just incapable of doing anything right?


Tough bluetits for you, bud, I actually am a game developer, started out in mobile games myself. Currently working heavily in Unreal Engine.

You don’t break psychological contracts with the playerbase like this if you want goodwill.

Toxic cultures are toxic, though. Toxic gamers are toxic too. No wonder Kotick got away with so much for so long. :roll_eyes:


I would not be surprised if Blizzard in its current incarnation used this mess to genuinely rob a bunch of people.

Kotick is not yet gone, after all.


I had 4000+ dust after getting 3600 dust yesterday due to a bug. I didn’t spend any of it. I now have 25 dust. It feels terrible because not only did I lose resources I was excited about, I also lost my legitimate resources and got effectively punished for not exploiting the bug.


I hope you have actually conducted an audit, and are not just going by the 6 people (plus a few more, plus whatever went through CS) as reported on twitter…


$1 = 100 Dust, right?


8000 x 2 = $160 ?


Crafting copies of Shadowcrafter Scabbs = Laundering Dust. :joy:


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So is there no penalty for the people who spent the dust or not?
I feel like I’ve been shafted here again…
What I’ve heard so far is people that spent the dust keep cards crafted no negative in dust.
Unfair to any players that didn’t spend it p2p or f2p.


I logged in today to ZERO DUST! No way that I had nothing left. Please recheck my account. Ridiculous!!!


So, I had gotten like 9900 Dust and it sound like that is in fact more than I should have gotten, I had crafted 1 legendary (1,600 dust) and had ~400 dust beforehand, I logged in now and had 0, how in the world would I be at 0? are you saying I should have had NO dust refunds? I’m not sure if I’m missing something or what, but I definitely had all of the honor rewards so now I am very confused as to why I’m at 0. Also this feels really bad since evidently if I had spent ALL of the dust there would have been no repercussions and now I feel like I got ripped off??
Edit: I was planning to play today but this has left a bad taste in my mouth so now I’m going to play something else :confused:


Everyone complaining here better be opening tickets hopefully threatening (and meaning it) to quit if all of these issues aren’t resolved ASAP. Including rescinding the crafted cards people made with un-earned dust. What a circus…


On how you’ve handled those players who crafted cards using un-earned dust. Will the cards be rescinded? Will their dust have a negative balance? Or will you be gifting the cards to those players who took the $ and ran? Thanks

Last part of my ticket to them, let’s see what they say…