Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

It actually helps more then people think you got 16k dust you can make any deck you want which means you play the game more which means you pay for more packs over time. Blizzard has a history of not understanding the concept of investment.


NA got nothing too at the end of the day

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I got 8800x2 dust and crafted a couple legendaries, then they took 8800 away, then they took the remaining 5600ish of my dust away. They really need to stop screwing this up.

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A lot of us didn’t use it, because Blizzard put out an announcement they thought they might have made a mistake. So, in good faith, we waited.

Meanwhile, lots of people who crafted it all right away now have a lot of free cards.

I ain’t hating on any of them. Those players did the right thing. The game gave them a boon and a gift and they spent it, and now they’ll have some fun with cool cards they’d never have otherwise gotten, which is kind of at least part of what the fun of this game is supposed to be about. I wish I’d done the same.

I do, however, think this is a terrible way for Blizzard to have handled things, and one that’s going to produce a lot of bad feeling for a lot of people. There has been no consistency, no full and fair accounting with players, just cards and Dust appearing and vanishing out of collections. I myself haven’t played a game of Hearthstone since they took the Dust back. The thought feels dull and leaden compared to the joy I had at the thought of trying out some cards I’ve wanted to try out for years.


Blizzard should give everyone 5000 dust as compensation for their incompetence.


Man they said the patch was already going online, and not a single announcement when you open the game, what the heck is this a stealth patch?


I thought this was a good will sign for something missed and because of this I made a purchase. THEN they took all the dust they gave me away. Can I get a refund for the Battlegrounds Purchase I made, I’d like to take/give that back now.


Is that all? What about all the players that received over 16k free dust and spent it? What are you going to do with their ~10 free legendary cards, mind to explain, you peabrain?


Totally agree ^^^^^ Feels terrible.


I knew some guys who crafted all pre-nerf golden legend and rare cards with 16k free dusts. Now they have just wait until the patch come, disenchant it, and those free dusts are legal.
This is a slap right on the face who pre-order this expansion. Why did they spend money on free dusts, free cards they could get?
On the other side, I make a simple situation. 1 guy had 3200 dusts, he intend to spend it on next expansion, not for now. Then he got a fake compensation 3200 dusts by Blizzard once. Then he crafted 2 craps legend cards to finish his collection. Now devs took his remaining dust, he got nothing left for next year. How can he know 3200 dust legal? What should he do with that 2 craps cards? Banish them for 800 dusts?


I was awarded 8900 dust and now i only have 100 dust in my account


Esta clase de abusos no es correcta, algunos jugadores con mucho esfuerzo logramos juntar el polvo para poder estar dentro del juego, yo en lo personal compré la pre compra y no obtuve más que 3 legendarias, ahora me quitaron el polvo que me dieron más el que tenía, primero realizan abusos con sus trabajadores y ahora con los jugadores.


I had more dust taken away from the “fix” then they actually granted me, and as a result I lost thousands of dust that I had prior to the incident. Support basically just told me to post here. This is ridiculous that Blizzard can just take away things you paid for(dust that came from cards you paid for), and then just pretend nothing is wrong. I’m never spending money on this game again.


This whole thing has been a complete mess. Honest players got punished HARD by not using their dust. Meanwhile many people walked away with tons of free legendaries.
This whole problem stems from how bad the dust economy is ingame. Why the hell are wild legendaries still 1600 dust?


This reminds me of a situation in WoW. Players were able to repeat daily quests in Uldum. Daily quests are intended to be completed once per day. Many players abused it. Many players did not. The ones that abused it didn’t get so much as a slap on the wrist. The ones that didn’t abuse this exploit gained nothing.

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Dude There are so many better games and companies that actually work hard to provide good content for their players. I have never EVER seen a screw up of this magnitude ever and the company just shrugs it off like screw them, there still gonna pay us anyway! Sad to say il be stepping away from HS because of this and im sure im not the only one either. now i have to compete with people that got all the free cards they needed to complete top tier decks while as a new player im still trying to put something together thats even playable.


No kidding, in a year where Blizzard desperately needs good publicity, they keep falling flat on their face.


They took more dust than they gave and writing support was useless. I got a templated respose that everyting is fixed. Apparently Blizzard has decided stealing from the player base is ok and they don’t have to actually respond to tickets. This is BS.

I have cancelled my wow subscription and won’t be playing Blizzard games until they return what they stole and acknowledge it. Thieves!


well days have passed and they haven’t fixed anything, I uninstall the game, try yu gi oh it’s pretty good

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That feels terribly unfair indeed. Sorry for all of had similar situations, and Blizzard DEFINITELY should go back to do some kind of compensation… It was their mistake and regular players are being punished.