Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

It was not an abuse in this case.

Literally Blizzard took your cards away and gave you dust in exchange.

Unless you keep track of every single cards you had, Nobody at the time knew exactly what cards were gone from their collection and if the dust were too little to compensate them.

It’s 100% legit to assume it was a fair compensation and to spend all the dust.

Blizzard cannot dedust your card because they could not identify which dust was used on which card. And they cannot erase your progress made with those cards.


They aren’t going to take away the dust either. This isn’t an exploit. It appeared legitimate and people used it. I don’t think they should be punished. The example you show is a possible exploit of the system.

That person purchased cards…opened card packs…and then (he or the bank) tried getting a refund.

This situation is DIFFERENT.


You must be new around here to think that Blizzard won’t punish you if you used the dust. You will be in the negative which in the end mean you would had to dust card (like in the gold cases when they screw up on arena ticket for gold being free), and so many other times “they mess up” anyone who took part in it, was punish in way by normally putting them in negative gold, and in this case, they woulda most likely put people into the negative dust, so you would had to dust card to eventually be out of the negative.

There was 1 time I can recall being in the negative dust, and that was in the frozen throne to kobold, and cause when I log on I was given “free dust” but then they took it back.

so I had to pay x2 more cards or wait til nerfs to get refund right dust amounts.

You really think Trump did that? cute, you didn’t read it if that what you think, his bank cancel, he didn’t request a refund, difference dear kiddo.

And this has happen to legit players over the years, And there MANY other cases blizzard screw up normal player who never abuse a bug in their life (like me), it’s matter of time before people say they had less dust then before the ‘changes’ and then people who had no dust, show up saying they’re in the negative. Not everyone keeps up on the forums or outside sources. And they have screw over many players in the past who don’t keep up on this stuff (which is why I check in every now and then).

Just read the comments there kiddo. It says what happened. Even if he didn’t request a refund the bank got the money back. So blizzard did what they needed to do to recoupe costs. It’s not the same situation as this current dust situation. Apples and oranges.


so if you go to your bank where you know you have 100$ , and found out by some mistake you have 100.000$ … you withdraw them , use them ? and you think is all ok ?
For sure you have to return them in some way , plus you risk to go in jail or have problem with police/law

sry for my bad english not sure if terms are correct

I don’t care what your screw ups internally are, you should never take things out of my account. (Other than nerfing, I understand the need for that.)


It’s already official that Blizzard is not taking the cards crafted with those dust.

They announced it on Twitter


This isn’t money we’re talking about. It’s dust. And it was given to a lot of people. Different situation. When you see that other people got it too…it feels legitimate. I understand why people used it.


dust is money from blizzard perspective , becouse is know people with few missing cards buy pack or bundles that becomes dust to craft this cards.

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So I’m confused now. I got dust, then today the dust was gone. I didn’t get it twice. Is the dust going to be regranted, or was this whole thing a mistake on their part? I.e., are we still in the cleanup phase, or are we done?

Since everyone can keep cards crafted with the extra dust, why can’t anyone keep the extra dust to craft cards with?

Cards and unspent dust have identical value. Taking one type of value away from some players while depositing another (identical) value to others is not equitable, logical, or smart. It’s one of the more problematic “solutions.”

dust = cards
cards = dust


I wish I hadn’t crafted what I did :pensive: I’m down to 200 dust, nothing saved for next expansion… But hey, I have lakkari sacrifice now… :sob: Please turn back time! Nozdormu I beseech you! Microsoft, master chief, bill gates please save us from blizz!


So now all the dust I gained is gone, and more importantly I’m stuck with an uncraftable pair of Legendaries - one Golden, one normal - that I can’t do anything with.

I can’t even use 2 Legendaries in the same deck, and I don’t want to be forced to keep a card I can’t even use.

Had about 1800 dust B4 this. Log in I have almost 13000 dust! I craft lakkari sacrifice to screw around with diablo in duels (why not? I still have 11400 left hooray!). Next day I have 200 dust. I’m not happy.

yeah, gave me 4800 dust x1…crafted 1 legend for an achievement, logged in today and it had taken away the 4800…but still have the 2x captain’s parrots from the achievement, so it’s not all bad here

Got double dust. All of it has now been removed and I lost all my original dust too. Hope my dust returns soon…

This doesn’t include things from packs? That’s stupid. MY FIRST legendary from this Xpac was a golden Drek , which from the moment i opened it i really felt like i needed compensation for it. I picked Vanndar in the opening choice but it was promised you’d get the other option ( golden uncraftable ) from completing your honor chain, which I did. But of course i only get the 1600 from DE not 3200…

Also I got 4800 dust given to me and then immediately taken away and i dk why, as i did have copies. Theres nothing in here about dust being taken away. wtf…

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I received 4,000 dust. I decided not to do anything right away, & just wait for the dust to settle; so I was neither sad, or annoyed, when the dust was taken away. Ship happens; buck up & move on.

I’m a “glass half full” person …


The problem is, I am now sitting at exactly 0 (Zero) dust. I even lost the dust I had before the “Heal-Up” disaster.

I’m just wondering if you are working on giving back the dust we had before all of this happened.

I’m honestly not sure how much I had sitting in my collection, but it was certainly much higher than 0 Dust. This happened to two other people that I know, so it’s not an isolated issue. Which is good, because when it is, I am never assisted or compensated.

Thank you for any and all information and assistance with this. I know you are all working hard to get things resolved for everyone. I just want to make sure we’re not going to still be sitting at zero dust once this is resolved.

Thank you!

When a Malkavian speaks, listen. When a Malkavian acts, leave. When two Malkavians gather, run.

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It’s unfortunately coming across as very deceptive that the team told people on Twitter that they might go into negative dust, and shouldn’t spend the dust, to then take it all away and leave players who were quick enough to spend it all with the cards they crafted.

On top of that, to have taken away more dust than was gifted (I had more than 12k, was gifted 8k, spent 3600 and ended up with zero) is really disappointing. It makes players feel like they not only missed out on crafting (as no one has gone into ‘negative’ dust balance, even if they spent all of it), but also that we have to keep track of our dust and cards, for fear that they’ll be taken away.

On top of this, the comment that “people who say they lost more must have crafted cards” might be true in some cases, but it also means that people who made crafting decisions due to an abundance of dust may have not done so without the ‘gifted’ dust. The fact that players can’t ‘undo’ this without significant dust penalty is another part of this disappointment.