Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

Devs doin me a frustrate


God forbid they lose some card pack sales revenue! It’s not like they’re robbin- err milking their wow players dry with 15$/ month subscriptions still


Yep, if they let everyone keep the dust, which lets be honest barely even hurts their revenue from this game, a lot of loyal players would’ve been made happy and a lot of new players would’ve been even more excited to make some new decks, but nope blizzard, sorry Activision Microsoft or whoever it is now, only has short term tunnel vision.

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please undo the undo, people on the subreddit are also posting about losing thousands more dust than they were given on accident, this is robbery! I’ve been saving that dust up for the next expansion and didn’t craft anything cause the twitter said that “negative dust” was a possibility. Now I’m seeing that people who crafted cards get off with keeping all the cards and not going into negative dust, while others lose more than they started with for listening to the dev twitter? This is awful. On top of that I think I’m still missing cards that were removed for the dust to replace. What were you thinking!!!???!!!


deserve a lawsuit let’s get together as a community and make it happen


Very confused and frustrated. I have zero dust now? If this was a mistake you should have let the people keep the dust. Now you have a PR problem and I went from super happy with the game to frustrated. I’m not sure how you fix it now, but I feel like if a waiter delivered the wrong, much more expensive, bottle of champagne to my table and I drank it inot knowing about the mix up I would be pretty pissed off if he then charged me $200.


Blizzard just can’t help themselves but be inept miscreants.

I dusted a golden legendary and crafted 2 regular legionaries – by that math I should be sitting 1600 minus what I had last night.

Instead – it’s closer to minus 3,000 which makes 0 sense.


Embarrassing… Someone or some people are bound to lose their jobs from this, literally trying to lessen the already less community of HS.


There is another problem, as the dust was revoked more than should have been taken back was revoked. I don’t even know how much I have lost that was mine over this glitch.


this is so dumb I had 400 dust and I didn’t do any move with the dust and now I have like 35 even tho they put cards back, I have less dust .-.


LOL, I just got 8 k dust, tho it removed my synergies deck because of the missing cards, but well played, I got some new hero cards. Back to the opening pack again to get those back.
: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink: wink:

I got 2400 dust, apparently, but when I opened the collection there was nothing. Is this normal or just a bug?

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I gained 8k dust once and logged off…logged back on later to find not only had all of it been removed but so had all the golden cards I got from the honor event except the two legendaries. So even if you only received dust once you can end up with it gone. Are they going to refund dust again to compensate for those cards even after deducting lots of dust already? Between this and other weird stuff I have seen in my collection right when this happened I don’t know if I am going to be in the hole or not when comes cards and currency.


The Roll back of Arcane Dust has taken more dust than what was given. I started today at just over 460, Was awarded 4400, and now have 20. What is the status on the fix? and why was the change not rolled back instead of having a new unvetted script ran?

This isn’t a Dev issue, This is a Change Management issue. You should have more scrutiny over your customer facing changes. Mistakes happen, that’s why you have change management, but you can’t implement an emergency customer facing change to fix the previous change unless multiple levels of management are 100% sure on the fix and it has been tested in a dev environment. If you need a good analyst to show the impact on customer retention, feel free to let me know.


Just a heads up. We have the same handle.

You guys should give extra dust just to make up for the mistake

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Wow, what a downer - thought I legitimately got like 15k dust and was planning on crafting some legendaries. Then got distracted with life and now it’s all gone. They definitely should have left it, in my opinion - a bunch of people received it, and they got to benefit, by the sound of things, with no downside. Oh well, guess the old “life’s unfair” saying is ringing true here.


You gave me 16k Xtra dust. Then took it back.

I’m an idiot for not using it fast enough.

Way to make your customers feel like idiots.


So all the people that spent the dust are rewarded for exploiting the mistake, and all those that feared it would become negative dust are punished for not exploiting.


Is it possible to change your name, after the fact?