Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards

Yup. But you can also do it without money.

I’ve said this before, but I think I’ll repeat it once more: if the dust pops up in the game and is given to most people: people are going to think it’s legitimate and should NOT be punished for using it. Especially since it’s not real money we’re talking about. It’s video game currency called Dust.


Although I believe it is that 40 dust translates into 1 USD. Something like that. That is dust players are spending where they’d otherwise (perhaps) buy packs to craft or draw the cards they want. It’s a lose lose. You let people keep what they purchased with unintended dust, or you take away that dust and enforce suspensions which is, also, a terrible PR move.


Agree. For me this problem can be compared with a restaurant. If in a restaurant they give you something that you didn’t order, if they notice it soon, they can take it back. But if you already ate it (knowing or unknowing it was a misstake) then there is nothing to do. If it is a good restaurant, then any desition should benefit the consumer even more.


stop being idiots Blizzard, there is no way you can make yourself look good after a blunder of this magnitude.

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So do people have NEGATIVE dust now?
For those who spent it?

I’m very skeptical. There exists no hard evidence, and understandably so. Who takes screenshots of their dust? And so what we have are many players claiming they’ve been robbed – again, with no hard evidence. I do not put too much weight into anecdotes.

No, I’m not defending Blizzard. The company needs an overhaul if you ask me. I think we’re getting there, slowly

Are you taking screenshots of your dust every day?

No, that’s the point. There is no hard evidence because no one keeps screenshots of their dust regularly.

Sorry. The plural of anecdote is not data.

Right on, I quit Blizz over this and am relieved. Pop in here to see how other folks are dealing. Lack of any sort of morality among players is disheartening, let alone Blizz…


Okay so I got a message that I received 7600 dust for cards or whatever and actually received no dust at all for any of it…how should I handle this??

You werent supposed to get it. Thats the bug.

Just be glad if you didnt lose any dust, as many others have reported.

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