Recent dragon advantage

Ok, I have played this game for 10 years legit… get rid of the dragon golem advantage. It’s only defendable if you prepare for it and nothing else. Totally taking all of the fun out of the game, especially when everyone and they’re mother is using it.

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Like the mage’s arcane, full board summon!

What can go wrong?

Every class should have one!

YOU get a full board and YOU get a full board!

Next they’ll all have insane stats with all enhancements.

Welcome to powercreepstone; aren’t you thankful?!

It’s actually pretty easy to get rid of. Many classes can. The 2 cost warrior spell can handle it, priest can as well, paladin, warlock, mage with the 5 mana guy, also they buffed that legendary dh spell in order to help the class in situations like that… So it’s pretty much they drop the golem and they prey that their opponent can’t easily remove it. It’s not a bad card but it has its counters. And not just a few.