Rank wild is infested with robots

Almost every time I play against an opponent, the opponent’s cards are selected with the red border and the heroic power as well. This happens because the robot needs to read the content of the card and make its move. We human beings don’t hover over the cards or the heroic power. We rarely do this.
I watch a lot of herarthstone youtubers playing that don’t do this either. It sounds kind of stupid for you to hover your mouse cursor over the cards.
It’s stupid for humans. But not for robots.
Why are there so many robots like this in the wild rankings? One simple reason: you don’t need to think to play Hearthstone. Just have the right cards, leave the game running with the robot and go to work or school. Or sleep.
Why does this happen with herarthstone? Simple: there is no minimum balance between the cards. You can place a 6/6 minion on the second turn of secret mage or 8/8 on the third turn of even shaman. Or on the third turn a weapon with 10 attack with kingsbane rogue. Just click. And for the robot there is no problem because it is not the player’s time that is being wasted. The player who uses a robot is working, studying, sleeping, having a barbecue because Blizzard provides all the conditions for robots to play the game for him. Otherwise a casual player, who just wants to relax, is wasting time because he is faced with a stupid card system. If you’re lucky and come with the right cards in your hand, ok. If not, you lost. And what happened to the player who used the robot to play Hearthstone? Nothing. He must have finished his homework and then he opens the computer screen to see where he is in the ranking.

And I still have to read comments from people who defend this. Unfortunate.


Absolutely the worst way to determine if someone is human or bot lmao


This has been a “tell” for bots for years. That anyone finds this controversial or strange is unusual. It’s been discussed at length whenever botting is brought up here.

You are actually protecting Blizzard. If you’re not a noob, you know that’s how it goes with robots. Players with red light cards always make weird mistakes in the game, like first playing the area buff and then playing the minion. Today in a Yogg anomaly match you get a coin if you finished the turn with mana left. The robot was not programmed to play with coins. The robot’s hand filled with coins and he overdrawn. Luckily for me, he overdraws the strongest cards in his deck like the 8/8 totem. Probably if they had been in his hand I would have lost the game. But you may tell me “we need to protect Blizzard because there aren’t that many players in the wild rankings”. I agree, but at least balance it. Or if it balances, there will be no more robots and the wild rank will end. Maybe.

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hes only right about the hero power glowing red but thats only for the 1 type the one using hero power each turn to avoid the fast burning rope

the other ones i know “is time between plays is always the same”

terrible trades i mean ive seen someone crush all their minions into my big taunt instead of attack with the one with poisonous and then go face

some dont even attack taunts at all and they start attacking when the rope starts burning and the last attack lands at the same time the rope ends

is really odd OP didnt mention any of these

There are literally people here who believe the cards are shuffled and handed out randomly and that the only bots are the ones that hit the hero power and then fuse burn.

I’m protecting Blizzard by saying that people who play the game read the cards? Boy if that’s not one hell of a leap…

So you’re telling me that to developp a bot that auto plays the game
People have to develop an addon that is able to capture the game screen, identify where each card is located, and then goes on each card to read its text, through a text recognition program, to compute every word, to understand what the card does or what it is through a card library - that they have to maintain up to date in case of balance patch. Then the program has to read each card on board to identify what it is and what buffs it has on itself, always through a text recognition program. Also considering all the cards that add a lot of visual effects that could disturb the reading.
You’re relly telling me they went through all of that ?

While in the meantime, the current state of the game is stored on your very device in text files that you could just access and read to get in plain text what card is in your hand, on the board, even sometimes in your opponent’s deck and hand. These very files that our beloved decktrackers are using to monitor and register replays of our games, and they have to be very careful when reading them because they can access data of the game a normal user can’t have access to, so they have to be sure not to display such data.

You’re telling me that your brilliant bot developpers prefer to rely on text reading, which implies they can only work with one game instance at a time (because of the time they need to read), instead of relying on perfect text files already containing the whole state of the game in real time.

Yeah surely when you see cards overlayed in red it must be that.
Certainly not me genuinely reading cards, even those I know but still read just in case.
And clearly not me when I’m being impatient and I just make my cursor zoom across my screen because cards popping up and down and minions glowing white is funny

So, being the impatient sort that you are…you SLOWLY pan over your cards One at a time in a painstakingly slow fashion EVERY turn, then hover over your hero power for most of the turn, then press your hero power like it’s a 100 pound doomsday button (meaning the amount of time you were hovering on that button IMPATIENTLY, mind you) requiring a ton of strength to press down.

and let the rope burn every turn…then rinse and repeat. because that’s not someone who’s impatient…that’s a bot.

The few times I played against a friend both in the same room we saw that the card hovering was not instantaneous. I can hover all my hand 3 times a second and they would only see me hovering like 2 cards. But I guess that could vary, especially since I haven’t done that for the past 6 years.

My whole point is not “are there bots that play slowly ?”. Maybe there are. I try really hard to see the same things as you guys but I never encounter them. But I trust you on this.

My whole point is “are there bots that need to read the cards ?”. I strongly believe not because that would be insanely ineffective compared to what’s possible and even allowed to deck trackers.