Raid boss Onyxia

Onyxia should not have rush, whelps, fine. That or nullify the immunity at least on the opening play turn.

This would make it worse than the 7 mana druid spell.

It’s a 10 mana card, so let it be powerful (it isn’t even that powerful, otherwise every mid/latee deck would use it.

Think about it: do you have a problem with onyxia when it is played by a non-druid? I remember control warrior using it and it wasn’t a big deal.
In druid it seems stronger because they either play it on turn 7, or they have 20 mana so it’s basically free

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Raid Boss Onyxia is one of many broken-impactful cards in Arena. My past suggestion to better balance the card was that it should only have immunity while attacking, as long aa a whelp is on the board.