Ragnaros Mythic Hero/C'thun Druid Hero issue

When a minion with high attack hits an enemy hero there is a GIANT CRASH and the board shakes… Why is that same giant epic moment BOARD SHAKE not happening with the C’thun Hero Eye Laser attack and the Ragnaros attack? Why NOT? C’thuns eye laser should be more intense the higher his attack power is… Same with Ragnaros’ attack… They both sound the same regardless of strength… That is a huge issue… :confused:

Also when Ragnaros Mythic Hero kills another hero…WHERE IS THE BOOM?! The lava explosion??! He should make like a volcano ERUPT under the enemy portrait that shatters it into a million pieces with a gigantic blazing explosion! … Am I the only person underwhelmed by these custom attack animations for C’thun and Ragnaros new Mythic Hero Skin not making the screen shake AS IT SHOULD when they have higher attack power???


I think it’s fine so far.

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