Quilboar are broken in BG


I could write a long post explaining why I think Quilboar are broken in BG, but I won’t. You all know it’s true. With the new BG season, things have actually gotten worse!

Blizzard, please do something about it. If it means reworking blood gems, so much the better. Until then, I suggest that you just disable Quilboar from the game entirely. I personally find games much more enjoyable when they aren’t in the mix.

Or better yet, allow us to select the creature types that we want to ban before the game starts!


This is not a church. Bring arguments.


Yes, it’s true.

No, that’s not a good idea…

There’s just no balance to BG’s. Certain powers far and away are better. In my personal experience, Quill, Dragons, and Demons have always been top teir (when I’ve played).

This is so true !

But I like play :wink:

I think quilboar are certainly strong…

But i would argue dragons are stronger

Using your brain and pivoting from whatever starter trash got you to the trinket turn and then abusing the trinkets you DO get is how you win. Tribe has very little to do with it beyond a couple stronger than needed lesser trinkets. The fact that most people rush to T4 to get the best trinket value instead of sitting on 2 (looking at you mech bois) is a great thing to happen. It makes for longer games generally.