Quick question about cards and deckbuilding

I would like to have an estimate about the amount of dust i would get from dusting a single wild set? Like a range with some credibility, if possible at all?

Like a single complete wild set with no goldens or extra duplicates? Because that should be rather easy.

If you’re looking for something that takes into account your specific collection, there used to be a thing for that on hearthpwn but it hasn’t worked for ages

Ok, thanks. I’ll look into it first chance i get.

EDIT: I figured, 50 packs from the coin tokens. Open all then dust it.

It won’t let me play. And i blame the Blizzard AI for having a brain fart. The only thing i can think about is my dust count. It’s high. I dusted a lot of wild sets, all i had. The amount is legit though. Needs some perspective.

I used to work in the kitchen. Guy would drop me a 20kg bag of carrots and say: “peel it”. So you get a peeler, sit down, and peel the whole bag. One at the time. 20kg is a lot and you don’t just peel a 20kg carrot, that would be silly.

EDIT: So, guessing a bit.
50 rares at 25
160 commons at 5
maybe 1200 total for epic n legendaries.


3250? ish per set?

5 years at 3 sets ish would cover that. I’m pretty sure i played at least 5 years.

Well it cost 1600 dust to craft a legendary, 400 for epic, 100 for rare, and , the amount of legendaries in a wild set depends on how old the set is. Older sets have fewer legendaries because there were fewer classes. Dusting from scratch… it’s gonna cost you a fair amount of $$ to get a good chunk of packs to open and than each pack generally gives you 40 dust if you already own a copies of the cards.

My advice would be this… only go after sets if you’re collecting cards and also enjoy playing in wild. Each set has a large amount of useless cards that you will never play, so from a gameplay advantage, it makes no sense to craft cards you will never use, unless, you’re goal is to collect them.

I have 91% of the cards in the game for all the cards, and there are so many useless cards that I don’t have, which are part of past wild sets, which are legendary, however they are really terrible legendaries. For that reason, I don’t craft them beecause I know I will never use them and while I do eventually want to get all the cards, I’m still not at the point where I would be like okay, time to use 1600 dust on a legendary I will never use. :slight_smile:

But you’re looking at possibly over 40k to craft a complete set from scratch with dust.

So for example lets take whisper of the old gods…

that set has

50 common = 2000 x 2 to craft 2 copes
36 rares = 3,600 X 2 to craft 2 copies
27 epics = 10, 800 X 2 to craft 2 copies
21 legendaries = 33 600 dust

So it would cost you 66,400 to craft the entire set with dust if you were going to craft this set from scratch.

I think i’d rather save my dust for something i really want.

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I think that’s the smart move.