Quests Return to Battlegrounds

Quests Return to Battlegrounds

The fan-favorite Quest mechanic is returning to Battlegrounds with a few updates!

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0 comments lmao dead game

well it was true til you posted that. also , yay quests!

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Awesome! I love quests. Wish they were a permanent feature.

Soul Pact seems way too OP for Pirate and Murloc lobbies, though, and Doppelganger’s Locket just seems way too OP in general. I hope it’s a super rare reward. Maybe if the minions didn’t keep their enchantments.

Invigorating Conch seems like a way to build up beasts to have higher stats than their default values via something like elementals. keep the one deathrattle elemental on your board to consistently make them bigger and bigger, buy em up just to send the stats over to your up to 6 beasts +1 elemental dr board.

I hate how that tribe lacks any viable way to increase their stats unless you are super lucky to get a bear, and even then its already super late game.

Can’t wait to see all the busted combos I’m going to be defeated with xD

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at what time!!! I’m waiting!! Love Battlegrounds!!! Please do more tournaments!

Probably soon-ish. But also thought it’d be earlier ^^

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no quests… blizz actually forgot to put them in game? xD


Blizzard being Blizzard I guess :smiley:


Blizz Pllss gimme quest ^^

Oh well, time to uninstall. Complete train wreak of a game.

Ok guys lets go, quest are live

Sooo… yeah, I don’t like them ^^ They make BG worse than before in my opinion, but if others have fun with it, it’s good I guess. I’ll be returning when they’re gone again^^


Petition to get back buying battleground pass with gold. For real, battlegrounds is the last game mode in HS that I really enjoy and I can spend my gold only for decks and arena? Come on, Blizz! Do you really need to milk people who just want to pick from 4 heroes instead of 2… and yes, for me it matters, especially in higher rank games. You have wow, diablo and everything else to earn, stop being greedy and give us that simple option to spend our HARD earned gold on battlegrounds. You can also make it available to turn gold into runestones, it’s something…

Not so kind regards, Criss.


Hope you do a balance patch real soon. Transm-ogre-fication is so overpowered right now that it’s almost a guaranteed win.


How long will this go on? Normal play doesn’t matter anymore at all. Just get the most broken quest and do the most broken thing.


Please remove quests from battleground mode. Or split matchamking queues (1 queue for players who enjoy quests, and another for players who does not want to have them).

Before that, game was a mix between random and synergy, and you got some time to search for cards, adjust your strategy if you didn’t find them; now if you are lucky you can exterminate most of your challengers before anyone may go to lvl 6 whitout a bit of strategy! You just have to know about some no-brain build that became overcheated when combined with quests…


quests are terrible and ruin this game. Wish I could refund my season pass this is that unplayable.

Quests are kinda lame because some are very strong and others are useless.