Questions for the experts here

  1. When is the next expansion? I have heard possibly July?
  2. Any predictions on next nerf targets?
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I’m particularly curious about when the reveals will begin. The current state of the game feels too stale, and I’m eager for something new to break the monotony.

As for the expansion release, I am pretty sure I heard it being mid-July, but we should get an announcement one of these days.


I don’t think we’ll be looking at anymore nerfs in standard for a while. I can’t speak for wild. The standard meta is now about as balanced as it ever gets. Nothing stands out at least to me as a necessary nerf so we probably won’t see any of them until July as well.

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We SHOULDN’T be getting any nerfs, but we probably will

Paladin being broken again means that other classes are too weak, and need buffs to compete, rather than nerfing the same class over and over and over again

I mean, if your goal is to reduce power-creep, in theory it makes sense, but in practice, it’s too late for that. Some of the board swings and combinations you see 20+ times per day can’t be fixed by a few mana cost nerfs


The bigger question is, will we get a new Solo Adventure with it?

It seems like they just released the miniset.

I don’t think they do those any more

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You can check dates of release of previous expansions, so its seems to be July or August.

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Available through July 23, 2024

This could point to a July 23 launch. Possibly also July 30th if (as with the current expansion) the sale ends a week earlier.


Yeah most likely July. We are getting Whizbang packs in ladder this month so June is going to end with current expansion and meta 100%.

I’d say paladin may be hit. Maybe also something from warlock’s insanity package as they have too many reliable ways to heal damage up until their combo so they even start their games as aggro just to flip the table if something goes wrong. But that’s Blizzard so who knows. :slight_smile:

Looking at VS they’ve called gaslight rogue the meta breaker so there are chances we’ll see giants nerfed with mana costs or (less probably) stats.

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