(Question) HOW MUCH do Dev understand the players frustrations

Unspoken. But, I wonder.


Very little to none.


The last time they posted here was in feb or something so they keep to themselves in happy reddit land where everything is gud and fine.


It’s silly to think they don’t at least understand the complaints. Most of the devs probably play the game a bit too, and it’s practically their job to understand what makes people happy/unhappy with the game.

There was an interview posted very recently (it was in China, I think?). They’re aware that people are getting annoyed with random generation and inconsistent power in certain cards (Highlander, Galakrond).

From what was said, it sounds like they’re never going to get rid of discover and don’t have plans to weaken generation at the moment, but this is “peak” card generation and it will be weaker in future sets; they marked Mage and Priest as being classes that traditionally do it, so expect only those classes to continue generating stuff outside their deck for the most part.

They mentioned possible nerfs if Highlander strategies remained too good in the upcoming expansion, and that they were considering nerfing Rogue Galakrond to discount cards to 1 instead of 0 so that it’s not quite as much a tempo blowout (keep in mind that devs probably often consider a variety of nerfs that never go through, however).

They said they think Puzzle Box is fine at 10 mana, but that Dragoncaster into Box on turn 6 is too much and that an upcoming patch will likely address that.



Indeed. But, question is how much?
If there was an interview in China, (which operates differently from it’s parent company) then does it represents a universal statement?

There had been so many cases of Blizz not understanding players, that it is hard to give them a fairer judgement. True?

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The interview was with the lead designer, Iksar. They said there is going to be one last (small) balance patch before the next expansion, so you should absolutely expect that to be coming. And very soon, too, since we’re probably reaching spoiler-season sometime near the end of the month.

I may have been too brief with my opening post.

Expansions, etc are pre event adjustments.
Balance patches are post event adjustments.

In pre event, we see how much Dev understand the sentiments of players from the released contents.
In post event, It can be said that, Dev can understand the player’s sentiments and make adjustments.

If the understanding does not start at the source, then the frustration does not get address and repeats.

Using Diablo as an example, it’s is perfectly fine to move towards the mobile market. Yet, how did they address the PC market? In HS, there are some aspect that is unavoidable and not possible to change, but within those that is within their control, has they done it at source or temp fixes?

As such, HOW MUCH do they understand?


The current state of the mage RNG fiesta shows they could not care less about player opinion


Iksar: Skull itself isn’t also a tempo card. After your opponent plays a skull, they either play the cards that turn or hold them in hand to have a big swing turn later. In the case where they hold the cards, their opponent has some time to prepare which we think is healthy gameplay.

Skull is ok according to dev team… :man_facepalming:

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If the frustration is made in constructed Topic not just " blizzard fix it or i will quit"
but instead giving details of what has to be fixed and how. Then probably Devs wouldve listen to us way more.
So bad people with good ideas has to suffer because of the trolls…

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/code-of-conduct/

Well I can’t imagine them being very active in a place where most of the posts are either baseless nonsensical whining or straight up trolling. There is VERY little actual discussion in these forums sadly.


Just to add, I actually got surveys from blizzard, and the main questions they asked in the survey were related to gameplay experience. Did any of you also get the survey? Its your chance to give feedback though I do not know whether they would really find the surveys useful and will make action from the result.

Understanding players and ‘listening’ to players are different.

Understanding does not removes the Dev’s vision and ownership of HS, but rather how players’ sentiments can be incorporated with the Dev’s.

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Yeah that bugged me too. Like when did drawing 3 cards become ok to cost at approximately negative one mana? I get that it doesn’t have a free arcanite reaper bolted on or guarantee 3 0 cost plays, but it’s incredibly obnoxious that drawing 3 cards to reload doesn’t really slow the Demonhunter down at all; there’s no preparing for them holding the cards, because basically nothing beats a super-Altruis turn or an 8 attack Warglaives plus Adept plus Satyr or whatever. The preparation is just hoping they don’t have the nuts.

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they are probably trying to avoid a strong interaction with new cards about to be released
i think they did this before another expansion

But what players should they listen to? Competitive? For fun? FTP? Pay? Casual? Pro? Wild? Standard? BG?

There are so many players. It’s the same reason DJs play the same crappy music at weddings here. Trying to please a very diverse crowd is pretty damn hard. You will always get someone that comes to the booth and says “Can you play something good?” then expects you to just know…


And yet, those people at wedding will still dance no matter how crappy the songs are. The same goes for Hearthstone. If those players that complain still play the game, then why bother listen to them?

What in my message suggested that I was advocating to listen to the players?

I was just adding something to your post.

As you have mentioned, HS currently targets a very diverse base. Such ambitious endeavor require a matching support.

Is HS targeting to be a focus restaurant that serve a dedicated menu, or a diverse buffet restaurant that serves a variety of lesser standard choices?

And going back to the question, does HS understand the players, before serving the dishes, or serve the dishes then make changes to the dish?

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