Question about Star bonuses

So do the star bonus multipliers we get after a season ends last for a certain amount of wins or a certain amount of elapsed time? Certain amount of games played? I’m not sure how this works.

each time you reach ‘5’ or ‘10’ from the next level you lose 1 bonus star.


Ah cool. That’s a pretty cool design actually. Keeps you playing closer to those rated at your skill level faster in theory I assume. Although I’m still stuck on Platinum the last two seasons.

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The star bonus lasts until your highest safe spot from last month minus 5 levels.

So if you have reached Gold 5 your star bonus next month lasts until you reach Gold 10.

Exactly! Thats why you need to reach always 1 big step higher to keep your actual bonus stars… This is the only part of the system I hate… because it not helps you reach the same rank you had last month… only let’s you closer to it. :roll_eyes: Last month I managed to reach Legend so need to reach it again… to keep my bonus stars the same amount, just great. :roll_eyes:

Well Im stuck at Gold 5 then lol

The bonus stars are only based on your MMR, not on your highest rank reached last season, which usually correspond roughly
I only reached plat 9 last season with a remaining X3 but kept my X9 as usual

Not exactly. The stars are primarily based on rank. However, if you do have an extremely high MMR but for some reason only reach a lower rank that you typically reach, you may receive more bonus stars. As an example, if you are typically a D5 player, but one month you take a few weeks away from the game and only hit P10 with a very high MMR, you might still get 8 stars instead of 5. That is a pretty rare situation, but it helps keep folks in the ranks that suit their skill level.

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Ok makes sens
I rarely play enough to reach dimaond yet never fall below x9 so I assumed it was only based on MMR