Quest - play 3 games as DK, Priest or Warlock - failed

New quest at day rollover as per title.

Got back from work loaded up.

  • switched to casual
  • played two games with warlock deck

Still need to play three games, zero credit given.

How do I fix this. Please advise me oh wise voluntary community members who are not Blizzard employees.

edit: This is what I get for breaking my cardinal rule and actually spending money with them this expansion. Lesson learned.

Close Hearthstone and reopen it, your quest progress will now show

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Is this a new feature they added but didn’t put in the last patch notes? Requires restart for quest progress to show?

I doubt it’s intended. Likely just an annoying bug

It’s bugged. Just restart the game. It seems to record the games (and I guess XP) but it’s not shown on the interface.

Still not hot fixed in 10 hours. Like what kind of quality work ethic is that?

Coincidentally for e.g.

This morning at work (1:30am EST) we started a conveyor line and it was running at 1/10th the speed. We could have sat on our hands for 10 hours and did nothing, and say meh, the 23K packages that need to be sorted will just be delayed. Screw the customer, what do we care. But instead, we performed an immediate on sight hotfix and repair, and it was back to normal speed in 15 minutes. And yes we processed everything on time, with no delays or impact to the customer, even though we had 15 minutes less.

Thank god my company do not work like Blizzard’s. But I guess it’s because they make 10x the amount Blizzard does.

EDIT: and because I suspect you’ll try to call me out on it.

In 2022 the company made a revenue of $7.52 B a decrease over the revenue in the year 2021 that were of $8.80 B.

Activision Blizzard, Inc Annual Gross Profit (Millions of US $)
2022 $5306

The Company I work for
annual revenue for 2022 was $513.983B, a 9.4% increase from 2021
annual gross profit for 2022 was $225.152B, a 14.01% increase from 2021.

Weird that completely different businesses would have problems that aren’t comparable and can’t be fixed in the exact same amount of time

Skewed thinking, do you work for Blizzard? Maybe that line of thinking is the problem.

A) My problem. A bug, error, problem, that impacts my customers and clients.
-repaired in 15 minutes.

B) Blizzards bug, error, problem, that impacts their customers and clients.
-10 hrs later, not still repaired

Different problems take different amounts of time to solve. Different problems also have different priorities for being fixed, often depending on the economic impact. I expect it will be fixed as soon as possible. It’s annoying, but I’m angrier with Blizzard over the reintroduction of Leapfrogger into battlegrounds

It could. But should it? If you treat every problem that impacts customers as 100% important and fix ASAP. Maybe that contributes to the difference between 5.3B profit in a year vs 225B profit in a year.

Comparing profits of two unrelated companies that do completely different things seems silly to me. Like comparing the amount of time it takes to fix two completely different problems.

And this is part of the skewed thinking I mentioned.

-WE both have customers.
-Each set generates revenue for their respective company.
-Each have various problems. Sometimes (almost guaranteed with mine) multiple times per day.

One company prioritizes customer impacting problems as top priority and tries to resolve and fix it in as short a time as possible. Costs (from various sources) is not the primary concern. Restoring optimum results is (next to employee safety, that’s #1 - which impacts revenue and profits I might add). In turn, minimum continuance of a problem generates revenue primarily because customers know that even though there may be a problem, it will be resolved in as short a time as possible. This generates repeat revenue as well as word of mouth revenue. And is a compounded increase each time it happens.

The other company weighs what they believe the expected lost revenue from current customers is and only prioritizes and spends less than what they expect to have lost that they could have made, with out head to the possibility of lost revenue over the course of the year for each problem dealt in this manner, and ignoring any synergy type effects of new revenue based on results and performance.

It’s why we even surpass Activision in these numbers not just Blizzard proper.

Of course it is a bit unfair when you consider that over the last few years, the total amount of money spent on the gaming industry world wide, mobile, computer etc. doesn’t break 200M so it’s not like they could actually achieve those results. But they could increase their portion if they focused more on the customer rather than the bottom line. ( i will qualify that I’m not 100% confident on these numbers from what I could find quickly)

Lol, that’s too long. I’m not reading or responding to that. Hope the bug gets fixed soon

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I’m not very surprised it’s not fixed yet because the game has dumb design anyway from a Software Engineering perspective. They seem to have code on the Interface that is completely different from the gameplay code on the server; e.g. Trogg Gemtosser sometimes bugs on the UI and glows incorrectly as usable but it works correctly on the server for the actual gameplay; it’s obvious that they don’t have a common library/header between the UI and server which is just dumb.

It’s pretty apparent the game needs some rewriting of code; I’m not very surprised; Blizzard has always been better at talent for Art than talent for Software.

As your attorney, I advise you to buy a very fast car with no top.


Take however much you spent, divide that by roughly $15 USD, multiply that around .6, divide that by 40, and if the result isn’t at least 2 then you haven’t even paid Blizzard enough to give a part timer their 2 week’s notice.

You aren’t important, by your own admission.

24 hours and counting- still not fixed

Gee I wonder if this is trolling? Making a derogatory comment about me (i.e. Me specifically not being important), not a generalization about players in general.

Are you trying to bait me into responding in kind so that you can hop on 6 different accounts and rally other friend list forum members to all flag my response in kind as trolling to try and get me banned?

Also your entire post is off topic but I can’t flag your post for two different reasons, I have to choose one (the inferiority of the Blizzard forum).

Also after rereading each of my posts in this thread, I am unable to locate were I have admitted that I feel myself as unimportant. Perhaps you could point out my comment that led you to this conclusion? Or was it just ban bait as I have mentioned?

EDIT: We will also be able to see how quickly the biased forum moderators dole out justice to posters other than myself for flagged reports compared to how fast they dole out justice towards my flagged posts.

“Derogatory comments” such as this one?

Or this one?

Or this one?

Or this one?

Something something flies, something something honey.

Regarding my comment, was it out of line? Possibly. Obviously you flagged my post (which btw, discussing that publicly is breaking forum CoC and more than a little “bating” an angry response from the people you flag) and if I get actioned, I get actioned. Maybe I’ll even get perma-banned. Wouldn’t that be something?

You could screen cap it and share it with your friends. “I got Dimlhugion banned from HS forums.” A crowning achievement that your mother would be proud of.

There is a big difference in using comments that contain the word you/your

such as this one:

The word you is a personal directed comment, and when it has negative meanings such as ** are not important** it is considered a direct assault rather than a generalization. Most people that are aware of this tend to use terms that contain I or me as this directs the content of the comment towards themselves rather than the person they are conversing with. The most common one is ** I feel**.

In this case if I was to write that conveyed sentiment without using you it would be something like:

I feel that the importance conveyed by some is over-inflated

It takes less of an aggressive stance towards the person being conversed with. I could have said you are speaking with but that contains the word you so a better less aggressive option would be to word it as I have; "the person being conversed with*


Could be. I am sure all my posts are flagged as soon as I make them for review, so it’s a good way to get their attention to check for flagged posts when the automated system won’t notify them because it’s only one flagged not an organized attempt of retaliation. And yes it would be something as opposed to nothing.

Man all those you/your words. Watch how it’s done.

I feel that the importance attached to this suggestion far out-weighs the actual importance to me of feeling a need to do so.

No You, your, they, them, him, her, his… etc. but it gets the point across.

Okay, I think I got it. Let’s try it out:

I feel that YOU, DukeNukem-11408, specifically, and NOBODY ELSE, LITERALLY just YOU, are being wholly disingenuous with your posting and are only here to aggravate people.

… How’d I do?

EDIT: don’t worry though, we’ll never have to correspond with each other any further ever again. (no, I’m not reporting you)

I’m sure it was made with the best efforts. Personally I would practice more and keep trying,