Quest not updating progress when logged in

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but while I’m playing and trying to do my quest they don’t update unless I log out and log back in

This is a known issue.

Yup same issue. Looks like im not completing anything.

can confirm it is still happening but it is still progressing when you log out and back in. Highly annoying

My husband and I both are having this issue needing to exit hearthstone then log back in just to see quest progression towards weekly and daily quests, I can also confirm it is very inconvenient and annoying.

Yeah, same issue here :eyes: some quests moving forward some don’t. Also didn’t get rewards from Tavern Brawl. Like I haven’t played anything :disappointed:

Yup, same here. It’s still happening.

same story with my hs. is there solution?

Still an issue, very annoying when playing battlegrounds to have to keep re-logging to see if you completed missions. Shouldn’t take this long to fix the issue. It’s been a problem since the last update.

It also doesn’t give you extra steak stars. Just went on a 10 game streak and got no extra stars. Really frustrating and lame!!!

Event quests don’t progress at all, no matter if I log out or not.
After dozens of games, the counters are still at zero… So it’s impossible to get the rewards for me.

Are you trying to complete the 75 pirates? it is play not summon so sigil and location don’t count
finished that one and onto the marin one… mine says opens in “X” days as they stated this quest chain is a weekly unlock so not available yet
elsewise you may have a bug but I can’t confirm