Quality of life improvement for game. "Auto-win"

If the game detects a player is doing an infinite time warp or infinite any sequence that will result in you losing because there is literally nothing you can do to stop it.
Why not have the game flash on the screen, “SUPER-AUTO-WIN.” And end the game. So no one has to sit there for 20 minutes going through hundreds of animations. This would also use less energy and be good for the planet. Also getting SUPER-AUTO-WINS. Could be a super achievement where you get a special avatar.

TLDR: Anyone that manages to set up an infinite sequence that will result in a win, will auto win and end game and get achievements.


Next card in next patch will be: If you draw this card you win.


When I’m facing a time warp mage and they play the Time Warp spell, if they don’t play Rommath the next turn you have a chance, so I stick around, however, if they play Rommath you have like a 1% becuase usally the following after Rommath they play potion of illusion…

So don’t waste your time, just pull out when Rommath is played. No need to sit there and watch all the animations when you’re going to be dead anyway.

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it already existed with the priest quest

The algo knows ahead of time if it will give you a way out or not though.
So why can’t it declare the auto win?

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Everyone that plays knows it peaks at what is in your deck and what is in the opponent’s deck before it sets up matches.
So 100% it knows if it will give you a way out or not.
It can declare an auto-win based on that.

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It will ALSO only be given to one class not all of them.

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For Pete’s sake just press the Concede button, this already exists.

What is wrong with the game simply declaring the winner?
Explain yourself? Why would you even be agasint that?

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The current situation is that you watch as much as you want to because you can concede at any time. Your suggestion is already implemented in a smarter way.

Not to mention the rope burn exploit they manipulate while they’re just spamming spell after spell. Instead of banning such exploits, Assivision turns a blind eye and bans innocent players :rofl: no wonder this game has gone to :poop:.

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Madam, i never concede and bots and other players also never concede sometimes.
Part of my argument was saving energy and therefor the planet by forcing the win.
Don’t you want to save the planet?
Greta thunderberg and AOC said we only had 10 years left 3 years ago.
Surely you want to save the planet and your loved ones?
Doing Anything that would cause less CO2 to go into the antmosefear would prolong everyones life.

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This is a stupid position.