Quality of life change - Rerolling daily quests

I know that if you reroll a 1000 xp quest, you get a 900 xp one.
Please make the reverse true, it is incredibly frustrating to reroll a 900 xp quest into another one, and then feel like I should stop playing for a day so I can try to reroll it again.

I know there are some 1500 xp quests as well, those can just show up randomly like they do now (or the automatic Nozdormu day one), but all the others should be guaranteed to flip-flop between 900 and 1000.


Giving players value?

Just where do you think you are?


I rerolled a 900 and got a 1000. Though we might be both right.

I had relolled only one 1000 in the past and it did become 900.

You certainly can get a 1000 when re-rolling a 900. But you can also just get a different 900.
Whereas re-rolling a 1000 always gives you a 900.
They did that for those that dislike being forced to play specific classes - rerolling a ‘hard’ quest will always give you an ‘easy’ one.
I feel like the opposite should be true for players who prefer not to miss out on 100 xp simply due to bad luck.

Yeah I believe they might have done something like that. It’s bad design when they don’t explain it anywhere.

If they want to force quests: just force quests: i.e. have them unchangeable.

they did explain it

on something called “patch notes” backt hen the change was made

You have the delusion I didn’t consider that. It’s still bad design.

A player first installing a game is not reading old patch notes.


I had always assumed that you pay a penalty so to speak when you reroll a quest. I figured you would always get a lower payout quest when you did that as I have never seen one give me anything else. I didnt know you could get a same payout option. The odds being unlikely but possible that you could even go the other direction is news to me.