QOL Suggestion to attract more new players

I’m a new / casual player (6 months). I play this game about 5 - 10 hrs a week mostly to get my quests done so i can get my hands on the freebie. In regards to deck building for a new player it can be really challenging as when you view other peoples builds they in general would have about 4 or more legendary cards that make the deck work. In order to attempt to make a deck that you’ve seen on a guide or youtube etc you’d have to craft the legendaries as chances are if you are new and casual you’d not have them and there in lies the issue with people dropping off as crafting a legendary card cost 1600 essence and newer players / casuals just dont have that type of currency nor is bulk essence given out as a reward. Bulk essence giveways would probably be bad for the game anyway since there are very good cards that can be crafted for only 50 - 100 essence. My suggestion is to include a new type of essence that can only be used on legendary cards tied to a monthly quest. The monthly quest should be something that’s challenging and requires alot of engagement

Monthly quest: (must complete all the below)
Win 10 games of Tavern Brawl
Play Arena 3 times (this can be done with your free arena passes on the quest chain)
Win 10 Battlegrounds or Duels
Win 20 ranked games

Reward: 1000 legendary dust that can only be used towards crafting legendary cards

This way if you completed 2 monthly quests you’d get enough dust to craft a single legendary card after 2 monthly quests are complete. A system like this would encourage people to play long term and feel like they are making progression. If new players are incentivised to stay long term that also means more games againts real players and more potential paying customers once people become invested into the game. What do you all think?

When you’re new and don’t have a lot of cards, a great thing to try is to go to create a new deck, choose “Custom Deck,” put in one of the legendaries you already happen to have, and then click “Complete My Deck.” The game will use AI to try to make you the best deck it can with the cards you have.

You may not have a lot of dust now, but once you have opened two each of all the standard commons and rares, packs will start to give you a lot of dust and you will be able to make a free legendary each month.


I had to invet a fair amount in order to build my collection, whether that was through time when I was FTP, to purchasing Expansions as they released when I was able to afford put money into the game.

It took along time to build up my collection, and I honestly don’t see why Blizzard should make make it easier for news players who want to start playing the game to obtain all the cards needed for a deck.

I understand the challenges and the frustration that one can experience when they don’t have access to all the cards to build a meta deck, However, you’ll have to do what the rest of us did, either put time into the game to accrue in game resources to craft them, or spend real life money to build up your collection.

As it is now, Blizzard has on a number occasions given new players a bunch of free cards to get started with, and for someone like myself, I was never given free cards to build decks with, why because I’ve been here since the start and they already have my business.