Protoss Quest Proxy Pylon Not Progressing

Protoss Quest for the StarCraft event Proxy Pylon: Save 150 Mana on cards in Hearthstone (Protoss counts 2x) is not progressing.

I have tried both non-Protoss cost reducing cards and Protoss cost reducing cards on both mobile and PC. Neither of which progresses the quest.

Sample cards played:
Non-Protoss cards - Primordial Glyph and Manufacturing Error
Protoss cards - Photon Cannon and Construct Pylons (I have also played the reduced cost cards as well, but it makes no difference)

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Yep not working, i’m doing the Protoss event Proxy Pylon and stays the same 0/150 …

Seriously please fix the mission…

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Same for me on mobile, i did like 3 games and went to see the progress but is not adding anything. Fix this please.

Quest not progressing cannot save mana 0/150. Same here .Maybe we need to work out this with reloading and repairing.Such a brilliant quest.

these clowns have one simple job, yet they manage to mess up every single update.
how much sheer incompetence can a firm hold and still not fire these apes. insane.

anyone with 2 functional braincells could test things in advance and point them out to be fixed.

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Same thing here! I thought it was a translation error in my language and I was doing something wrong, but I’m glad to know it’s not me, but it’s a bad job by the devs as usual.

This bug is part of the Known Issues now.


I played it in casual and it didn’t count, then went to Wild and there it counts.

Wild is ranked.
As shown in the reply just above, the bug is that it only counts ranked and arena

I wonder when they published it, though, and therefore whether it is a matter of reading skills or the rage above is somewhat justified.

This bit is peculiar, though — it was added the day before the quest went live, i.e. they discovered it via some kind of internal testing. The date probably refers to when they started ‘tracking’ it (quotation marks for irony, I know what bug tracking is) — this isn’t the first time they published it ‘retroactively’, as far as I remember.

Completed it in one game with Protoss priest in wild :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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