Patch 31.4 is now live, with the Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set and more!
Here are some of the bugs we’re tracking this patch:
- [Hero - Kerrigan] Mythic Kerrigan Hero Skin Hero Power ring is inconsistent when previewed from the opponent's perspective
- [Hero - Kerrigan] Mythic Kerrigan Skin hover over halo is not the correct size
- [Hero - Kerrigan] Mythic – the Defeat state is not showing in game.
- [Hero - Artanis] Artanis' Twin Blades hero power is not buffed from Groovy Cat.
- [Battlegrounds] Bob-blehead can still offer cards from Tier 1 or Tier 2.
- [Battlegrounds] Golden Monkey does not spawn in tavern after tavern is refreshed with Slip and Slide.
- [Mac] A crash may occur when using CMD + Q while in a match.
- [iOS - Tablet] Vertical lines present on the Retire button in Arena.
- [Added 1/21] [Mobile] The team is investigating reports that a small number of players can't see card names when playing on their mobile devices. So far, reports are indicating this may be limited to Pixel users.
- [Updated 1/22] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that Wildheart Guff might be causing crashes. It appears the issue is with the hero power visual effect. We're temporarily removing the visual effect from the hero power until we can find a permanent solution. The same issue was found with Morgl the Oracle's Hero Power animation, so that has been turned off as well.
- [Added 1/22] [Hearthstone] Inventor Boom can sometimes fail to resurrect a Battlecruiser if both an eligible one (5+ cost) and an ineligible one (less than 5 cost) have died. The team is working on getting him the right schematics.
- [Added 1/22] [Hearthstone] Multi-class StarCraft cards trigger the Tourist animation when played.
- [Added 1/22] [Hearthstone] In some cases, the StarCraft Hero Cards can visually show up as the wrong class.
- [Added 1/22] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that Kerrigan's Hero Power can sometimes show the wrong number. Based on reports so far, this appears to be a visual-only bug.
- [Added 1/27] [Progression] The second Protoss Weekly Event Quest is only tracking Ranked and Arena games. This will be updated in our next hotfix patch to also track Casual and Tavern Brawl
- [Added 1/27] [Battlegrounds] Karmic Chameleon does not copy current Avenge-counter state when copying.
- [Added 1/27] [Battlegrounds] Mr. Bigglesworth's hand space protection only gives a non-Golden version of a Golden card. For now, make sure you leave room!
- [Updated 2/4] [Hearthstone] Nexus-Prince Shaffar is no longer banned.
Dev Comment: Nexus-Prince Shaffar is poised to run away with the meta, crowding out any decks that aren’t trying to counter massive Zerglings in the early game. We want to act quickly here to make sure players have room to explore different strategies with the Heroes of StarCraft release.
Related Posts:
31.4.1 Patch Notes
31.4.3 Patch Notes
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