Proof that battlegrounds is rigged

I finally have proof that bg’s is rigged.

So I picked Curator with undead, elemental, naga, and can’t remember the other two. I got the undead/pirate economy card and an eternal knight on turn 2 or 3 but had both by turn 4. My pirate/undead never died any fight at all until the end. I used a lot of taunts to protect this.

As early as possible I tripled and got a dazzling lightspawn on turn 4. I started dumping all my other minions to get elementals as fast as possible.

I tripled the eternal knight on either turn 5, 6, or 7.

Turn 9 I took 15 damage, but already had some okay elementals because my opponent had one big taunt that couldn’t be killed short of a leeroy or poison which weren’t possible for me to get yet.

Turn 10 I took 15 damage.

Turn 11 I took 18 damage and dead.

My final comp was divine shield from the naga taunt on the tier 2 disco elemental with 19/15, eternal knight 20/16, molten rock 7/11, the tier 5 taunt that gains stats when eles do too and he was 10/10, the naga taunt at 4/6, molten rock 9/11 & dazzling lightspawn at 3/6.

There is no way this build could have been better as I took every elemental I could find. I did not see any other minions that were telling me I should go with their tribe.

What I do not understand and will never understand is I placed 8th. 8th! Like am I even playing the same game as my opponents?

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Errm ok and what does that proof?

I had dozend of lobbies where my comp was good but everybody else was better.
I ranked top 1-4 dozend of times with complete garbage, cuz everybody else had also garbage but mine was more creative.

Everybody high roll and/or low roll lobbies happens quite frequently in my experience.
Sometimes only one player sticks out and steamrolls everything.

That is the nature of the format.
The absence of quests makes it more obvious I guess, since there is no backup mechanic now.

First of all dazzling elemental is a very underwhelming minion, why are you surprised you died fast?

And also how does a bad or even unlucky match proves that the game is rigged again?

Pretty sure I placed 3rd in a game where that Minion was 150/150, did you have the minion where you get a free refresh on play of elemental?.

sounds like you did not play enough elementals with stat gains.

I do not understand why you think this game was rigged versus you played 7 better players.

Avenge 4 is bad(the effect only trigger if 4 other minions die)(mere 1 gold bonus if your lucky to even get that to trigger) why did you buy that to begin with ?(you wasted a ton of gold to protect junk too)

eternal knight so-so but not durable

destroying ALL of your other minions asap right after getting dazzling was mega stupid…you only sell if you need more board space…(let alone bother looking for elementals immediatly)…you dont immediate search for elementals right after getting dazzling
you gotta let dazzling trigger at least 5-6 time b4 you worry about elementals, what you should of focused on initially was getting as much deathrattles for more procs

only reason to go for elemental early is if ya rolling party elementals X2

tier 5 naga is a desperate measure if your going up againts an opponent whom had mega good rolls(at least make your strong minion take 2 hit)…not a minion to be kept on the field unless you got a giant cleaver(Hydra,Foe Reaper) and thats base on circumstances too

edit: lastly bg is whoever the best at apm play…there a limited amount of each minions…so whoever get first on a minion mean other players in the bg has less chance to get one of them

Is that how it works?

My understanding but I have never seen it specifically written

If players 1-7 are rejecting say elementals you want to wait if you want elementals.

If players 1-7 are also playing elementals you should go fast(or better yet swap to something else)

Yes that is indeed how it works.
I dont have the exakt numbers in my head but I belive for t6 minions there are only 6 copies of each.
So just 2 ppl could get the same t6 in golden.

Lower ranks are more often ofc

Oh and tripple discovers dont count into the pool

stop lying. You didn’t provide any proofs. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Next time don’t lie

Is this a /s post?

I wouldn’t have tripled the Knight. You want things to die if you’re going ham on eles with the lightspawn. You should’ve invested as best you could into guarantees you’ll get multiple avenge procs per round. Finally, your final comp sounds fairly weak for a Turn 11 tbh. I’m curious what mmr bracket this was.

You provide zero argument for a rigged game if you truly are arguing the theory. You lost a game, so it must be rigged? Okay then…

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Rigged was meant to not be taken seriously. Just another game that I figure proves how bg’s is stupid. I thought I had something, but then in 3 turns get taken from 30+/- to dead? Really? Appreciate some of the advice in this post. Right okay dazzling lightspawn = garbage. I mean I know Nomi or Rag is way better as you def get immediate results instead of off avenge. Just also know that lightspawn, rag, nomi, party = one of the best games I ever had recently where all my ele’s were 150/150 each. Took first. Pretty sure I had 1 or 2 lightspawns in that comp until it was obvious the rest of the minions were 125/125 and they were like 25/25 so I ditched them.

Just to be clear to the other poster this is and has almost always been for me a 6k MMR game. I’m continually stuck somewhere between 6150 and 6400 after climbing to 6000.