Probable Pre-Order Bundle Bug

Hi, I just opened Hearthstone a few minutes ago and was presented with a pop-up which informed me that I had received a legendary as a part of my bundle. As Rise of Shadows has not released, and the legendary I received was Toki, Time-tinkerer from the Witchwood, I imagine this was unintended and that you would probably like to know this is occurring.

Edit: here’s an imgur “suffix” to an image of my client if that’s useful

i have the same problem i received King Mukla Golden … and Quest of Hunter

They gave an update in the main discussion thread. The RoS legendary will come when the expansion becomes available.

Well, yes, I am aware of this previous post. That post was in reference to a similar bug that was occurring immediately following the release of the bundle (7 days ago). According to that post, the bug was fixed. Seeing as I experienced a similar bug 5 days later indicates to me that either A: they didn’t fix the bug and don’t realize it, or B: there is a different bug of which they are unaware.