Probability problem of high fee card drawing

This is my second time posting this issue, and it has already affected my ability to play games normally.

I only have one 10 fee card, but when I win more games, this card always appears in my hand. As soon as it appears, I know I will lose because playing it is a waste of time. The probability of my winning this card appearing in my hand is only about 10%.

So card drawing is definitely not random, because this situation does not happen by chance, it happens frequently.

I hope not to adjust the winning rate through drawing cards, but rather

This is nothing new.

Higher cost cards like 7+ are almost always strong cards but the risk is drawing it at early turns in the game. This is why many players do not put “too many” high cost cards unless you can manipulate mana like Druid (Big Druid etc.)

Drawing a 10 mana card at turn 1-2 is practically you have 1 less card compared to your opponent. And if your opponent is an aggro player such as Pirate Roque, you’re dead by turn 5. Build your deck accordingly.


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  1. This is called confirmation bias.

  2. Remove that card from your deck.

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You know that you start your turn with 4-5 cards, right?
3-4 from mule and one is directly drawn.
Your deck runs (probably) 30 cards…

So do the math, this is not rare to happen.

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I’m lately the most critical about “trust the Devs unquestionably”, but you appear to miss fundamental facts about probability.

To put it simply: you have FIFTY PERCENT chance to get that card by round ~15 MINUS whatever cards you pulled extra.

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