Pro player tweet about powerlevel - agree or disagree

I just want to point out that Magister Dawngrasp doesn’t recast Rune of the Archmage as it doesn’t have a spell type. (Right?)

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I think you are correct. I think I mistakenly reference this card as being able to cheat out copies in my previous posts.

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Best post about VS on this thread. Having the best least biased Hearthstone stats on the internet doesn’t mean you’re the least biased Hearthstone commentator on the internet. ZachO routinely has hot takes that are NOT backed by the evidence. He tends not to go too overboard, but it’s a mistake to assume everything he says is backed by hard numbers.


Rare · Spell · Fractured in Alterac Valley · Deal damage to a minion and its neighbors. (Improved by number of other spells in your hand.)

He was out of his mind when he reviewed this card.

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Probably not but i already did see people getting frustrated over everything.

So maybe i just not get into that vibe anymore.

I think you’ve also hit on another problem currently which is that cards with the word “Repeat” should NOT be in such abundance and so easy to use. Like, I bet you people wouldn’t hate Snowfall Guardian if it weren’t for its battlecry being repeated by parrots. And then to add to it, we have Brann in rotation for repeating even more effects.

I remember how months ago someone, either here or on reddit, talked about how the most powerful effects you can have in a card game are things like “repeat” “all” “none” “never” etc. and I think we’re at a time where that’s never been more apparent.


This is a multiple levels issue that when you try to solve without a further dive end in a eternal cycle.

  1. You have RNG as part of your class.

  2. You do specific but powerful cards so RNG not works too well.

  3. People learn to use those cards so you end needing to nerf.


The fail is simple here. You assume a card should not see play based on how you feel.

Runes are a lategame card and every time the meta slow down it can and should see play.

And i not know you but if that is an actual pool issue it gonna pass alone.

If not it gonna get powercreept next set anyway while not causing as many issues as people wanna paint.

Unless were going again for a 5-10 cards nerf.

I was being a little facetious, sorry. Although, any suggestion made to this game is arbitrarily decided. I do think that overall player satisfaction ought to be considered, to a degree, in balancing. As well, winrates and playrates are important factors, of course.

Not necessarily. If the card is discounted, it can be played far earlier than later.

Sure when you take a 3 card combo and even then it not comes down before turn 6 most of the time.

Still late.

I think the most tilting game I had this year was playing Arena against a Mage whose BattleTag was Zach0 (probably not actually him) and he played a Mailbox Dancer turn 2, then I got Deep Breathed for 6 then again for 5 with him holding both Coins. Again this is in Arena and if you’re familiar with the mode this is some high impact play with very low rated cards. Either I lost to a meme, or I lost to an e-celeb’s terrible card eval. Sad either way.

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I mean… sounds like all he had in his hand was spells and even if he cleared your board twice, he wasn’t going to develop anything after that. How did he even play Deep Breath on turn 3?

He didn’t. I just didn’t explain every turn. Just imagine standard Arena things in between the BS.

It’s true that he didn’t have any pressure early, but the way you normally beat Mage in Arena is by applying early pressure so you by the time they start dropping Amulet(s) it’s not enough to save them. He handled my early pressure easily then double Amulet’d (one of which came on 8 with 2x Coin).

Ah, I see.

Now to fill this with a random factoid for keystrokes. Did you know that the male mantis will soon die after mating even if he isn’t eaten by the female? Further, the female also soon dies after laying her eggs. So despite how this is normally characterized in media as a grizzly fate for the male being eaten, it’s more akin to both parents sacrificing themselves so that they can bring new life into the world.

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This is the best meta in the history of HS. The first expansion I didn’t quit the game 1 week after playing it.

Assuming you are not being sardonic, your comment actually brings me some relief that there are players out there who enjoy this. Perhaps this is just me, perhaps it is time for my next sabbatical. Though this time, it’s not clear to me I will ever return.

Honestly the meta right now is one of the most varied metas we ever had. And that without any super oppressive outlier decks. If “pros” hate on the meta its probably because variety is bad for super competetive play because theire preps for tournaments are forced to go all over the place.

First thought; i dont understand the tweet in comparison to op

What do you mean the player feels there needs to be more powercreep i disagree unless i read his tweet wrong but thats my stance.

Not the majority, whatsoever. This is being propagated by top players, because they have the influence to make this happen. Let’s kindly forget about the other 95% of the playerbase that fervently disagree.

Sincerely it isn’t even about powercreep either.

I find it being more about learning curve.

The lower the learning curve the less a pro player is different from a bronze player.

This is very problematic regarding that because while there is no Quest pirate warrior type of deck.
No deck can spyke in winrate either.

Like i said.
Blizzard needs to work on 2 things:

1.Incentivize players to be better


The more knowedge you have about something the worse a situation has to be to make you disgusted.

You basically create players who can deal with their own feelings better.
Creating Room for tolerance to designs that would not be accepted otherwise.

  1. Ramp the complexity of the game.

This is tricky to talk about because hearthstone is made to be simple.

But there is a certain learning curve the game should have so we get a better experience and the game is a little too low from that spot.