Pro player tweet about powerlevel - agree or disagree


If that is the case it’s a self fixing problem.

It’s not something gamebreaking as pandaren importer rogue to need to be take out of the game at any cost.

Of course. Like I said above, we need more filler (or spells that have niche uses) to lessen the likelihood of good and useful spells being cast. The same goes for mechs and dragons.

You don’t see the issue there do you ?

Spells are class cards.

You’re basically asking to next mage set to be sabotage just to nerf one card.

And even there the entire lunacy mage thing wasn’t about spell pool.
Was about turn played.

I’m not suggesting for solely bad cards to be printed. Of course, some should be bad, some good, as well as some that are powerful and conditional (i.e. Gifts of Azshara).

It was about both turn played and the spell-pool.

I suggesting that the game will get over it alone.

Because it will.

The Power of the card rotates alone and isn’t particularly opressive either.

Toke you long enouth to get there, its run Mage into the dirt with no upside.
You can keep asking for the quest buff and more dmg to spells it will never happen.

And i will never stop too.

Zacho is hardly a good example of someone that’s an impartial numbers guy. The other day he was talking about how great it was that Naga Mage got nuked from orbit and how it was bad to have a deck that was based around one card… not long after talking about Naga Priest and how he doesn’t understand why more people don’t play it despite knowing the reasons stated by pros and it being ANOTHER deck based around a single card.


I’m not understanding, because what I suggested above wouldn’t run mage into the ground.


Mage is designed with mana redution in mind ,what many here fail to understand is that cutting on it with no upside will kill the class.

Theres tons of unplayable cards in the class if at the current cost , the class would need a total rework if they couldnt discount their spells.

Its part of Mage identity since day 1 some havent got the memo yet.

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That’s not a terrible idea, and it’s been suggested ad nauseam on this forum. I quite like the class right now, with its ability to cheat strong, high-cost spells. Although, I know many players feel the opposite.

The typical suggestion is for cards to have the caveat “not less than 1.” There might be something to that, I’m not sure.

I kind of disagree. Rogue SHOULD be mana cheating, that’s what made the class unique for most of Hearthstone, and they usually tried to balance Rogue around its mana cheat, but now everyone has mana cheat and card draw for days so Rogue is losing its identity and they have to ramp up how hard it can do it.

I dont mind mana discounts but massive mana cheats that basicaly win on the spot is my issue i even said the rogue mana cheat is unhealthy an druid could be toned down abit too.

edit - i want to be clear i like mage especially hero power mage i am against massive mana cheats in all classes even rogue it doesnt happen alot but turn 4 dragon amulet just feels bad even if its a highroll.

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Okay i believe i should talk about the elephant everyone is ignoring.

Mailbox dancer.

This card appears and only appears in decks that try to highroll the opponent as fast as possible.

Every single time you see this exact card you’re dealing with a highroll deck using the coin to ramp into it’s win condition.

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Well said.

In my opinion, which I’m basing on experience rather than heresay, the problem is not so much with rune itself it’s all the cards and effects around it that enable

  1. Rune being consistently played at turn 5 or 6, which based on the 9 mana card cost this was never intended. It’s far too strong of an “answer all” or “panic” card to be played at this turn.

  2. Repeatedly cheated/cheesed many times using effects like parrot and the mages hero battlecry, as well as possibly being generated by chains of discovery (which has been a unaddressed problem with Hearthstone ever since discovery was introduced.)

My typical game against this deck as a Kazakusan druid is getting to about turn 6, then having them play rune at least once per turn for the remainder of the entire game, which sounds ridiculous, but it’s definitely consistently occurring in ladder play.

If rune was played one and done, the effect would be used at most twice and would be manageable to some degree. As it stands, this game is almost unplayable.

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The problem is that you’re fundamentally wrong.

We as mage have cards that are basically designed around the fact you discount they.

The proof is that most of those aren’t even worth their cost at a face value.

You have pyroblast dealing 10 damage.

Iceblood Tower being just bad even at 5 mana.

For good or for bad not even rune itself is a good card at it’s cost despite of not being ugly bad like the other examples and the proof is the amount of things we did had to nerf before big spell mage did rise.

I don’t agree with this in the following sense.

The reason big spell mage was not competitive prior to nerfs was simply because of the meta that formed. Basically it was

  1. Control Warrior: okay to bad match up, pre nerfs cw had enough tempo to blow bsm out of the water, it could also potentially outlast bsm if bsm didn’t get ridiculous number of wildfires for free from random effects.

  2. Fel DH: very bad match up, after nerfs this is still a bad matchup for BSM, because of the damage ceiling being so high in this deck. Pre nerfs the tempo of this deck was insane and would blow bsm out.

  3. Pirate rogue: okay to favorable matchup. Pirate rogue happens to be a very good mu due to all the cheap spells, and just got better.

So you can see the reason bsm came out of the woodwork is because tempo was hard nerfed across the board. It’s the tempo in these decks that would keep bsm in check, but with the massive nerfs to tempo, major cheese strategies like bsm became a possibility much to the chagrin of the average player looking to play Hearthstone not RNGstone.

If you read my post above this is exactly what I’m saying, I’m saying rune is not problematic in a vacuum, it’s all the cards around it (barbaric sorceress, parrot, mage hero, etc…) that make it problematic due to how early and consistently it can be played. My average game against this deck see’s almost an unlimited number of runes played until the end of the game, which really points to how badly designed all the support cards are. We are talking about 20 mana worth of spells cheated out each and every turn.

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Yes and we end in the fact that when you actually play synergic cards you try to get a payoff bigger than the sum of the pieces you played.

I not know exactly how team 5 did reach the number of 20 mana for the random cards but you know what?

Game balancing wise it works so they did a good Job.

Just stop talking about how you feel for one second and look at the world around it.

How dare they consider how they feel when playing a video game! It’s madness.

You may be right I may the only one in this world who gets frustrated/titled playing against archmage’s rune each and every turn after turn 6 vs Big Spell Mage.

However, if we look at available evidence, it would suggest that this very forum thread (ie. the opening post) directly links to a twitter comment from at least one pro player expressing frustration due to the same thing. It would appear there is at least two of us, and if I were to wager, there will be a lot more disgruntled players as time goes on and BSM becomes more frequent in the meta.

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