Priest....more like cheater

So destroy enemy hero huh??? I outplayed this guy turn for turn for like 30 min just for…DESTROY ENEMY HERO??? After playing OH SO CAREFULLY to try to win he just DESTROYS ENEMY HERO…THIS IS NOT FRIGGIN FAIR. I have seen a lot of classes do a lot of BS since I started but this is to much.

I assume you are referring to Purified Shard.

Paladin’s 4 Horsemen also destroy the enemy hero.
Mecha’thun also destroys the enemy hero.
New Horsemen also destroys the enemy hero.

Purified Shard is not the first card of this type. And it won’t be the last.


Apparently not.


You must be a new player.

Welcome to facing a priest. He lowered his match making rating to find you, and strung you along the entire game.

You can get some third party programs that will show you a game in replay (at least the cards that were played by the end of the game). You will probably find he had enough removal to keep you at bay the entire game and was never in danger of losing. He assessed that you didn’t pose any threat to him with an OTK and was happy to just keep the game going for a long time.

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This is a rather bold and unlikely claim. Nothing about what happened so far suggests smurfing or slow rolling lethal (it can actually take a while for unoptimized builds of quest priest to find the shard unless they’re lucky).

I claim that it is.

Oh wait this is the hearthstone forums.

I have the statistics that shows it is 99.9999999999% likely. Where does it come from? Same place as yours.

I’d surgest using the mad legendary card he can steal the card there can give the player there plays it the purified card i did it once was kinda fun

The Main difference, the other cards you listed take planning and skill.

The one he lost too, is an asspull of a card that takes less brain power than a cockroach has to pull off.

you have to reflect and understand that you are in the presence of one of the most colossal scams in the videogame field, all manipulated to make you always feel that some card is missing or that you will be luckier in the next arena, fake rng, unbalanced matchmaking influenced by monthly, annual spending, etc. Open your eyes to ask yourself questions forgetting to be hearthstone fun