Priestess of Fury

Priestess of fury 6 damage split randomly between all enemy’s at the end of turn maybe if it was 6 split randomly to all char’s, and the card cost less then 7 to summon or something maybe if it was a 10 cost card, and i know this term is not socially acceptable but there’s a time and place for everything and right now perfect time and place because its




i keep forgeting she exists and using my removal on other crap!!!

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Maybe make the ticks smaller or make its stats smaller, a reasonable nerf would be 4 damage at the end of the turn instead of 6. Alternativly, make it a 6/4. It loses some stats in exchange for the ticks.

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It’s basically a 7 Mana screw your opponent over most of the time.


The sad part is that this is only one of many cards that are just plain broken. I understand that they need to make the new class appealing but DH is ridiculous.


Rez priest says hi. I could not for the life of me play priestess of fury with convincing infiltrators around. Sylvanas is also scary.

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I forgot Sylvanas was a card.

Just L2P, it’s a mere 6/7 body for 7 mana.

To be serious most decks nowadays can actually put a decent amount of big minions by that turn using their own synergy.

In other words:

This damage gets split amongts minions and rarely matter enough.

I not defending it or even speaking that it not needs nerf but i seriously not buying that this card should cost more than 8.

Yeah, Priestess of Fury wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t come at the end of everything else that Demon Hunter can put up.

She’s one thing to deal with when having a board and a decent life total. She’s a totally different beast when Sap, SW:D or Hex are already used up and there’s an Imprisoned Antaen about to activate. Not to mention the possibility of Inner Demon or Metamorphosis being in hand.

Although I haven’t seen her in Wild yet. I was debating throwing her in my deck, but I never got her. After a few games, it became clear that turn 7 was extremely competitive as a finishing turn, and I wasn’t sure if I could fit her. Haven’t seen any opponents using her either; she seems to be a brute in Standard, but is a hair too late for Wild.


I think the ticks are fine, 6 damage seems good, the problem is its 6/7 body, it already has an insane effect, it should be balanced by some weaker stats. Even just bringing it down to like 5/6 still is appealing with its effect.

Demon Hunter can clear your board quite easily, so if your board is/near empty, Antaen and Priestess of Fury can deal some major damage, but if you put minions on the board to block the damage, they will most likely die/take big damage.

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Yeah, seems to be the case with both Antaen and Priestess. Having to put down cards just so they can be destroyed is counter-intuitive, but taking all that damage is arguably just as brutal. It’s like a Doomsayer that pyroblasts you if you try to avoid it.

I wonder if there’s not some cards that can take advantage of multi-damage pings enough to counteract the huge damage? Armorsmiths? Deathrattle eggs?


And can’t be interacted with. Doomsayer could always be bounced, silenced, or destroyed to prevent it from going off. There’s no way to stop dormant abilities from going off aside from winning before they awaken.


There’s plenty of removal for singular bodies.

Not while they’re dormant. Sure, you can’t really interact with battlecry minions either, but I can’t think of anything with an equivalently strong stat line and battlecry as Antaen for 5 mana. Plus, there’s not much chance of tempo loss on the turn it’s played, given how many 0 cost cards Demon Hunter can play.

I figured all the random damage DHs have that can hit face would be annoying. Between Priestess, Antaen, and Altrius, you take tons of incidental damage that’s difficult to mitigate.

That card should be a legendary and is a cheap rare instead.
I can’t even begin to comprehend what was going on on the minds of the people that came up with this card. Must have been something like:

  • Blizz employee 1: Should we completely break the game with a ridiculous op card?
  • Blizz employee 2: Sure, let’s do that.
    << Proceeds to furiously snort an undisclosed white powder. >>"
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The problem is the immediate tempo gain, then you must play minions into it to just get rekt. If you can’t destroy it from hand when this hits the board it’s usually gg


Priestess is not the problem. The problem is 1 mana hero power and insane early game cards and no other class has anything remotely close to the same tempo. By the time you get to turn 7 you were forced to make suboptimal plays and wasting resources to keep the DH from snowballing too hard and you don’t have anything like Cube Shenanigans or Spellstones for your own tempo push. Its a design failure in that regard. DH seems pretty fine if it was back in the Cube Meta where other decks had huge tempo swing turns but everyone else is so slow in comparison.

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