busted card. the entire class is stupid.
Strange, for as busted as people seem to think this card is it dies immediately after being played.
It is not as good as people think it is.
As you wrote about the moment you drop this card it just dies on your oponent’s turn. The deal 6 random damage is also very easy to play around to the point where most of the time the priestess is borderline unplayable as it will lose the DH the game (since she foes fluff all).
Just don’t be gready people. Save up your removal you cant have it all. Back in the old days Dr. Boom won the game to moment he was played. The priestes just dies instantly while achieving nothing. Polymorp/frog, direct removal, Maieve Shadowsong, play minions on your board etc.
TL,DR: Stop whining and start counter playing.
Priestess of fury has a played win rate of over 65%. Only metamorphosis and Kayn have higher, aNd they are finishers- generally played when you are winning- so it makes since. It has a higher played win rate than skull or any of the nerfed cards.
It is still an infant card. I have been playing Priest only since closed beta.
I thought that card is broken too so I ironically wasted 10 000 dust on a Demon Hunter deck. After I started playing it I realized it’s flaw and now I could not care less about it as it is not as good as people think. As I mentioned earlier that card sits in your hand waiting for the perfect time to be played. Since you play it in the right moment and as you mentioned yourself the stats are incorrect.
We need to wait for the meta to settle and for people to learn how to conter the DH. It is just a mine bad Ragnaross nothing more (atm).
I specifically save Flik for her. Feels good.
Just had to drop by to comment on this: don’t look at played winrate to judge a card’s power, it’s really not a good stat for this. Finisher cards - Pyroblast, Leeroy, Mecha’thun - have their played winrates extremely inflated since, well, when you get to play them, you usually win.
That’s why most people usually judge the cards by their drawn winrate. It also has flaws (Deathstalker Rexxar was pretty famous for having a quite low value in both stats), it still makes much more sense.
Drawn Winrates is 63+
I wish it didn’t hit face or it were easier to remove.
I feel like it’s more powerful than the Legendary card Reno the Relicologist. And plus you can two in your deck.
It’s ridiculously strong.
Not really. You’re guaranteed a 10 damage on the board when Reno drops. On top of this, he comes out a turn earlier. On paper, not a huge deal. In practise: massive difference.
Does this mean Priestess is bad? Ofc not. But it’s as strong as it is for reasons that are largely outside the card itself.
You’re guaranteed 6 damage EVERY turn to everything. With Reno you’re one and done.
Reno immediately gives you board agency 90% of the time he’s played. Priestess comes down and … Doesn’t necessarily win the tempo for you.
That might not end up being a nerf, as it improves the chance the thing will clear your board. The DH already has ways to clear small dudes in the early turns with hero power and removals, and one of their later weakness is dealing with high health minions. Making priestess only hit minions would fill that gap, making them stronger. And not just for the first turn, but every turn priestess stays alive (and if he gets two out, basically forget about about any thing on the board)
I see priestess as DH’s version of highmane: it’s probably the biggest threat in an aggro/midrange deck, with enough power/burst to serve the role.
And in general I see DH as being similar to hunters in that they are a very aggressive class, capable of grasping tempo early and putting on the pressure.
But just like hunters, it is possible to beat them if your class/deck can survive the onslaught, or possibly even put the pressure back on them first (a non-aggro/midrange DH might be able to handle your pressure with their lifesteal and removals, but then they… wouldn’t be playing aggro/midrange)
While I agree that it is not grossly overpowered, I believe it is unbalanced for sure. First of all, this is a regular card, not legendary. It shouldn’t be this powerful. The cost either needs to go up by 1 or its stats or damage bonus needs to go down. This isn’t about whether or not there are counter strategies or not. This is about pure balance, and this card is not balanced as a card that is categorized as a regular card, which allows one to have 2 in the deck. If they want to keep the 6 damage bonus, then its attack needs to go down, or reduce it’s health.
Priestess should be destroyed along with Zephyrs. There are more on my list but this will do for starters. Worst expansion ever.