Priest Titan and creation of it.. again again

Not to mention Astral Automaton with its continous buff effect… Who believed these are fair mechanics? I would ask all of the developers who created this and force them to play against it… and when ever they lose… HIT THEIR HEAD INTO THE TABLE! Stop creating idiotic unfair mechanics or this game will die! :angry: This is another proof of the absolute incomeptence of the developers… stay with action games Activison… Card games are not for you!!

And yet you have a similar mechanic in the “earthen” paladin, I’m talking about it because you have a paladin avatar (and you forget to talk about the similar paladin case).

In any case the game is already dead, they are killing the control decks with all the stupid powercreep among the aggro (just look at the Dk plague and their frost plague which is an anti control mechanic, since when does an aggro deck have cards or mechanical “anti-control”).