Priest Identity crisis

I don’t mind the healing and board clearing aspect of Priest, but cards like Identity Theft pick which cards to copy from your opponent deck and hand is too much at least make it random and not Discover.

Vision of Darkness is infinite resources without any drawback, every powerful card should have a drawback and there are who have like the one you die in 3 turns.

Power Chord: Synchronize this multiply card is way more powerful than it should, there is a reason why you can only have 1 Legendary of each, its for balance reasons.

So Priest is doing what Rogue does like stealing and multiplying cards but with infinite resources and fat heals, there is no drawback for Priest, his the Jack of all trades.

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I was a bit surprised by this card as well. That’s some pretty heavy disruption, honestly.

If the meta were slower, I think there would be more questions and posts about this card.

you misread the card identity theft doesnt take the cards away

so dont worry it wont disrupt your deck at all

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I used the wrong term. It isn’t disruption in the sense that Theotar or mutanus.

I am not a fan of these kinds of plays to start with, but granting them discover on them is a bridge too far, imo. Never mind that it is hand AND deck, so they can get something early and something for later.

I think these decks are often too slow in the current game for cards like this to matter much, so that’s about the only positive I can take from it.

thats only for deckbuilding i played many card games and all of them had a way to play any card more than once

by copying the effect or just returning the card you played to hand

the reason isnt always for balance otherwise dusfallen aviana shouldve been a common and not a legendary

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How is a 6 mana 6/6 body that is a vanilla on the turn it is played not a drawback? Similar deal with the 3 mana copy card…they do nothing special on the turn they are played if used on curve.

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6 mana 6/6 is not a drawback, 6 mana 4/4 thats a drawback like Mad Duke.

How is 3 mana Discover 2 cards probably Legendaries is a drawback is beyond me, are there any better Discover cards than this? Name them.

doesnt have a body doesnt any effect on the board and you have no way of knowing if the card youll get will be usefult to you thats a drawback

any card able to discover from your own deck is better than identity theft


This is one thing I’ll never understand about the community: complaining about the copying cards. It’s literally an admission that you think the cards you use are a problem when your opponent has them but not when you have them.


Its about cost efficienty, when Priest can discover and copy class specific Legendaries with low cost.

Ofcourse i pick hard to counter class specific cards, the whole point is to win.

There is a problem when Priest can copy your best cards on top of big heals, board clearing, infinite resorces.

Priest does too many things at the same time no other class can, i see so many fanboys here pretending its perfectly balanced class with no arguments.

…your only argument to call it broken is " priest copies MY cards!!!"…thats it

You do realize that the priest is paying more mana to use those cards than you do? And that there is no guarantee of getting your best cards? If a priest gets two of your best cards, consider if they are even good for priest. Even legendaries can be crap outside of the class that plays them, and the priest relies on you not managing your hand well or getting very unlucky with draws to make a reliable attempt at spying on and copying the best of your hand…play around copy priest!