Priest has become my most hated class to face

Congratulations Devs.

0 cost reborn to all + the high chance they always have Arms Dealer or the 4/3 that deals 3 when it dies.

Kills most early game and forces you to take early insane damage from a 3 drop.

In what world does a single 3 drop deal 10 damage?

Oh right, 2023 Hearth.

And then of course if you some how manage to clear it they always have Bazalazadingdong in hand or Grave Digging to never run out of steam

Then of course theres Love, Everlasting Control.

Once Svalna gets played gg to whatever minions you wanted to play.

Drown, Shards, Shadow Word : Concede among the top offenders , discovered for 1 mana.

What a steal.

Assuming you fall behind on any of these turns Power Word Synchronize to make copies of either their Colossal or Astalor.



Oh the horror. A priest that is viable in the meta. :smirk:


Not one, but TWO :cold_face:

Like other classes. :smirk:

This when ever priest hits tier 2 hell even 3 people complain till its dumpster again lol.

It’s literally one of, if not the best, decks in the game.

It absolutely needs a nerf.

Zero mana give everything reborn is absolutely ridiculous


No. You’re just tilted.

CP sits at 53% in HSreplay, doesn’t sounds op to me.

I am not sure about the tier one decks tho, because there so many sits at 60%+

Why would you think he’s talking about Control Priest and not Undead?

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Assumption based on the first comment in this thread? OP complained about both decks.

That zero cost reborn is a major problem and no one wants to talk about it. If DK has that spell it would have been sent to HoF already by kicking it so hard it went backwards in time.

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As a priest player myself, i’d say shadow priest (or is it undead priest?, you which deck i mean) needs to be tone done a notch.
With pure paladin and frost DK, it’s one of the top 3 decks of the meta.
I don’t think the +1 mana to basaleph is enough to slow the deck. The two problematic cards are undying allies and rotting necromancer. i suggest the following nerfs
Undying allies - cost 1 mana (up from 0 mana)
Rotting necromancer - reduce stats to a 4/3 (down from 5/4)

Obviously, if you slow aggro priest down, the other outlier decks like pure paladin, frost DK needs to be looked at as well.


I would rather see it only affect the next minion played and keep the cost, but at least making it have some cost would be a good change.

Agreed. Both of those could use some brakes as well.

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I hate priest mostly because by the time the game is over, they’ve played like 70 cards and 20 of those were yours that they beat you over the head with

Theo and at least two silences are a must in your deck if you’re going up against a lot of priests

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Yes, Priest was a problem from the beginning… it is a class which is making us lose. Blizzard keeps up this unbalance by a reason I am sure… so They won’t do anything about it… That is the way how they can block players to rank up… I just skipp those, not worth it… Waisting of time, however atleast I can lose fast… so I can move to the next match where maybe I have a chance… isntead of playing until the last god damn card and realize I have to lose because the game wants that.

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Honestly priest isnt even a issue rn now engrage warrior and dh about to take the meta dh already has.

Have you guys seen overheal priest?

I don’t have HSR Premium so I am pulling this from Bronze-Gold ranks, but it seems to be the 7th best separate card in the deck, according to both drawn and mulligan winrate. In both cases it’s the best of the cards with a down arrow.

Undying Allies is just about the most average card in Undead Priest. 13 or 14 out of 30, middle of the pack, ho hum. It’s not the major problem.

The major problems are Foul Egg, Shadow Ascendant and/or Banshee.

It’s interesting to me that people can’t understand that undying allies drives a whole bunch of this process, but most people don’t really look at stats.

It matters which deck you choose and I don’t have premium stats, but for gold it’s a clear outlier to play undying allies. The most popular list is not the best performing list.

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Priest is good now. Let the hate-fest recommence.

Anyone feel like mentioning that since silence is the best way to combat what a shadow priest does (and healing being a close second) that control priest is the best way to fight shadow priest? That priest is such a good class that it counters itself?

Its so satisfying watching some silly pop off turn from a shadow priest, big board with reborns and deathrattles, and you just 1 mana silence it and board wipe it with another card. Easy way to make an aggro player either concede, or start roping every turn.