Priest has become my most hated class to face

Priest is definitely not the best class, atm.
#4, via HSR, so someone must be beating it pretty regularly.

Enrage warrior meta - I’ll have whatever you’re smoking.

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I just want to know why one of the priest decks isn’t in the free deck options. Overheal or shadow decks would be good for that, but no luck.

I wish they would 100% remove mage from the free decks permanently though. When Jaina is the only tutorial and then you get a free mage deck, it really doesn’t help diversity in the meta.

Haven’t seen the recent stats I assume?

Hmm. Fair point, decent data. But neither of us are playing with the real numbers here. It’d be nice if someone with premium could settle this.

I’m okay with priest being good. My problem is that it’s good for the wrong reasons. It’s good because it can generate so many extra cards over the course of the game. It’s tedious to play against and matches against control priest can go 30 minutes

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Haven’t long matches always been a Priest thing?
I will admit that card generation for free is something they haven’t always done.
Team 5 is completely out of ideas.
Like a sitcom that used to be good, and is now just recycling scripts.


Out of good ideas, you mean. But your final sentence here perfectly describes the kinds of new ideas they have. It is so much like that once-excellent TV show that should have had its series finale multiple seasons ago but just keeps dragging on until you don’t love it anymore.

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No matter what the best deck in the game is, people will always moan and whine that it has to be nerfed. Even right after the previous best decks were recently nerfed.

You just can’t satisfy these people. They just want to whine so once they get what they want they find something new to whine about.

It’s pure baby rage.


Thoughtsteal says hi.

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Thoughtsteal in no way compares to what they have now though.


I think they’ve got like 6 or 7 cards in the current meta that allow them to discover, copy, steal, etc. Their deck will have two of each with the exception of the legendary minion that grants them a card that never leaves their hand and gives them shadow spells all day long

It’s so freaking stupid. It’s like they don’t really know what priest is supposed to be so they made it into the Eric Cartman of classes. It has the power to have all the powers it wants


Jaina and Fizzle says Hi. Every class has a chance to go infinite with Zola and Fizzle btw.

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Druid has become my bane of my hatred. My rage has no bounds for druids.

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Fizzle copies your hand and Jana is a hero card with an OP hero power that is only allowed in wild anyway

How does that compare to being able to discover a shadow spell every single turn, copy/steal a good 10 cards out of your opponent’s deck, and generate another 20 or more?

Fizzle isn’t that huge of a deal in the first place. Even if he gets played, steamcleaner is waiting. This is big time false equivalence to compare current control priest with past metas

Because Mage, DK, Rogue, Warrior, Paladin don’t generate a bunch of cards? Although admittedly Paladin doesn’t generate so many and yet you lose by turn 5 or something.

Card generation is out of control in general but priest takes the cake

Discover two cards from opponents deck and hand is too powerful.

No mid/control deck can complete with this super value/adaptive/value play.

Druid has always been my most disliked class, mainly because Team 5 continually panders to them and Pally.

I just wish Druid didn’t had those cards that would dominate most of the ladder.