Priest games takes too long!

30 minutes and counting for one single game against priest, im bored as hell, the most unfun, frustrating class to play against that ruins this game.

Are devs even playing this anymore ? cause if they did is not that hard too see the infinite resources this class can pull, literally infinite thats why it takes so long.

Is not about winning anymore or player skill which lets be real here, Priest are brain dead, its about time that is limited for all of us and it seems this game in this state does not respect my time at all.

Fix your game so we can enjoy it or loose your players base!


It takes 2 players to make a game last 30 minutes. Even if it was a control mirror, the fact that it didn’t end in 20 minutes or less means there’s a very high chance you were either roping constantly or failing to resign a completely lost game (or both).


Noone is actually forcing you to play a game you don’t want to play. There is a concede button. Use it. After all, it is not about winning, as you said. Right?

If your hand is empty and you face a control Deck that has still 6+ cards in hand, just concede…

I played a lot of control warlock lately, just to Experiment, not a single game toke me 30 mins.
Maybe a couple of 20 min games but thats a huge difference.

40 cards control warlock vs another 40 control, dosnt even take 30 mins.

Maybe a priest, priest mirror does

that must been a control match up the only times my games get to last 30 min are when faced vs another control deck

Dear Blizzard, make them play the deck I want them to play. Bests, control priest hater!

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As long as control priest has such a high win rate against blood dk, and blood dk continues to have a high play rate, you will see more and more control priests.

If you dont like it, tough. The player base has decided what the meta is. We will stomp out the bdk menace by being an even bigger menace.

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Priests are not brain dead. There are players who really enjoy playing control decks. However, I also find it very frustrating to play against Control Priest and Blood DK, both of those decks make matches very long. They are dry and boring and everything is usually from hand.

When a match starts, I prey that it’s neither of these decks that I am facing. I usually have the urge to concede right on the bat, however, What I have decided to do instead is apply a cost vs benefit approach to it. I generally play aggro, so if by turn 7, if I have not killed them or brought them low enough that I can kill them in the next turn, I will at the point concede.

It really is just a waste of time if I continue. By turn 7 that’s when all the healing starts coming for priest with behemoth, and turn 6 with munchers for dks. My deck simply does not have the burst to overcome the tsunami of heals.

If I continue the match, it ends up being a prolonged match where I’m trying to deal with the board while apply enough pressure to the face, which usually feels like an uphill battle. Granted there are times when I can come out victorious, however, these matchups are well below favourable in terms of win rates, resulting in more losses than wins against these decks, so I cut my losses and move on. I can win two aggro matches in less time then it would take to continue to play the boring drawn out drawn control deck.

That’s what I’ve found works best for me, so I give it my best shot, but have learned to know when to throw in the towel and move on. Can’t win them all.

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That is exactly what you should do.
Many games are over at one point but you can drag it out for a while.

Your board was cleared - you run out of hand cards - your opponent is control with plenty cards left on hand - run!

It’s even anoying from the other side, I can tell you!
If you know you’ve won but the opponent keeps on droping one lonesome minion each turn, that does literaly nothing.

last time i got fun vs priest…tony druid i play is take out from me hand jailer before combo …i just play tony and draw 3 or 4 card from opponent deck "ohh sister salvna i draw " then is die by 6attak/5armor at end 243 exp i got and maybe is more than 30min fight yes at end 11-12 fatigue dmg few time i put bk minion to me deck and spell orelse is will be near 20
idk how is in englis but love when "a fagyi visszanyalt’

The longest game I ever played was a priest mirror match where we both had lots of DR, value, kazakusan, and Xyrella cards. We both went all the way to fatigue but I held on to a discovered amulet of the undying and they went all the way out of cards before I played it and finished them off. We both had over 100 armor at one point. It was fun.

Theres a neat trick to winning the fatigue war in the current control priest mirror: using sir finley while your deck is low on cards. My opponent had 6 cards left in deck, and i had 2, but 11 cards in hand.

So i sir finley, my hand becomes 2 and my deck became 10. Opponent conceded.

I’m sorry you lack the attention span to play a game longer than the amount of time you spend on the toilet.

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Also, half an hour is a long match? Some of you don’t remember control warrior mirrors, and it shows.

Still only took that long on both players roping every turn.

The game has never seen a worse state, whoever is enjoying this mess should be pumped full of pills and locked away from human kind…spits on hearthstone…


I got in another stupid match against this braindead priest (im XL Dark Knight btw) who cloned Astalor 4 times, yes 4 times plus Vision of Darkness for infinite cards.

I survived somehow till turn 10 and stole his Vission of Darkness with Mad Duke bahahahaha…

He conceded when he ran out of cards on turn 18 or something.

The winner is Vision of Darkness holder, not your skill, not your deck, not your tactic.

Thats why priest is a brainless class, you don’t need one when you can spam one spell forever.

This card does not make any sense, they should remove it!

Lol, the game has gotten faster and faster for years. They design it now to be something you play while sitting on the :toilet: taking a :poop:. They don’t want the games to be long and that’s what is killing the game, not a rare “30 min” game. And of course all this only happens IF the buggy as crap client doesn’t also take a dump on you.

You are the most shilly of shills, bro.

while it may be an exaggeration, games against priest take far too long because you are, essentially, playing against two decks worth of cards.

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