Pretty lame reward

So I just completed some achievement, don’t ask me which one it was as I don’t care for them anyway. However, the reward I got from it was Lor’themar Theron… Uhmm hello Blizzard? Why would you put that card in the rewards track and also make it a reward for an achievement?

I mean you could have at least given something different for those of us who actually paid for the rewards track, or put something different in the rewards track since you were going to give it out in the achievement.

Adding this part in as there are some that don’t get the point, so I’m going to try to explain it even more.

While is great that blizzard puts certain cards in achievement rewards, I personally don’t want to get a big POP up saying REWARD and get a card that I’ve already been given, that EVERYONE got for free. I’m not a returning player, I"m a WHALE in hearthstone and so if you’re going to have something POP up on my account saying REWARD… It would just be nice that it is actually some type of reward rather than a “REWARD! pop up, oh but not for you, cuz you already got this card, cuz we already gave this to you, but we just gonna Do this BIB pop up saying REWARD, when it’s really not”

A reward like DUST or GOLD would be much appreciated and show that you actually might slightly care about those who have been loyal to the game. I don’t even get a second copy of the card to dust because you can’t dust it.

When I didn’t have a card in the past, Blizzard never gave me one from previous expansions. So I either bought the packs for that set or crafted it.

So if you’re going to give me a REWARD…it should be A Reward.


The achievement is for those that didnt pay for the reward track so they can earn it too, just an alternate method. You just happened to trigger it too.


You missed the point entirely. You just explained to me what I already explained in my post.

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If you still pay for the rewards track anyway, they have no incentive to give you even more rewards as part of the small percentage who both buy it and do a lot of achievements.

If they noticed a pattern of those purchasers passing on the pass then they might change the approach.

So dont trigger achievements? I dont get the issue. You unlocked the same card in 2 ways because there are two ways of doing so. There are 2 Snorlax in Pokemon Red and Blue yet somehow Ive never encountered anyone complaining about it ever. I see this as no different than that. You only need one snorlax for you collection, having a 2nd doesnt improve your pokedex in any way, so you can feel free to ignore the other one and never need to encounter it, or feel free to kill it off, catch it and play with it. The only difference here is you dont get a 2nd copy of the legendary card because its a legendary. So either dont trigger achievements you know will for some unknown meaning annoy you? Im not seeing your issue here as a real problem being manifest in any way. Im sorry, i dont mean to be any way about it, Im just missing your actual complaint in this as being an actual thing to complain about? Is it you are upset there are two paths to unlocking the same legendary? you dont want people to be able to get it that didnt pay for it?

Omg, lol. Are you for real? How do you not understand what the issue is? I wrote it out in plain English. I literally wrote it out, and if you can’t see what the point is, then I don’t think I’d even be able to explain it to you because you just have to read what I wrote because it there in plain English.

So i was right, you just dont want alternate methods of getting the same prizes available on the rewards track. you want something special exclusive to the rewards track unobtainable any other way. if that’s a playable card, and of course it would need to be a good one otherwise why pay for the track? and thus you created the pay to win dynamic that the game is supposed to avoid becoming. Even if you didnt create an exclusive playable card, but instead made it a re-roll into another legendary instead, that’s no different as you are paying to get a guaranteed 2 legendaries, another pay to win scenario playing itself out. I imagine had they just given only cosmetics for your track and no legendaries at all you wouldnt have bought the track at all, so that’s not a good solution from their point of view either… what would you propose would be the solution to your alleged “problem” you seem to be having? it can’t be another legendary being offered, nor can it be an exclusive playable card that can;t also be obtained via another means such as achievements? Im left with either not giving away legendaries on the track at all, leaving them to achievement/packs to obtain only… or cosmetics only from track prizes, driving down the demand of people buying the tracks at all. Im curious, whats your solution that doesnt make the company drive down its own sales while at the same time not making the game pay to win with exclusives that cant be obtained any other way?

remember, both methods are optional ways to get the same legendary. you can do the work involved to unlock the achievement, either by accident as a lot of them are lol, or pay money to get it guaranteed just by playing normally long enough.

Regular Lor’themar was for everybody for free; nobody who played then had to pay for him. The golden version is the reward you paid for and that will stay paid.

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So the achievement way to acquire is for people that didnt play when it was given out for free at the time? So its a future proof way to get it for new players down the road whenever they join. Even better planning on their part.

Wow, people just complain about everything around here. Talk about first world problems. :rofl:

Ive been staring at his post for days. i still dont get it. lol //meme

but for real ive read it many times and still dont understand their actual issue. ive tried to clarify it in multiple ways and keep getting told they wrote it in their post. well its obviously not clear at all in what the wrote. they have no interest in being understood and so far what i tried to extrapolate what they were griping about seems to be rather illogical and pointless. Im not gonna waste anymore energy trying to understand a very unclear person’s viewpoint.

Edit: I see they added a little clarity. He’s just being greedy because he got his gift already. And when he triggered the other way to get it and the little popup occurred, he feels like he should be getting another reward because no reason. Bud, when there are more than 1 way to unlock a card, and you eventually traverse both paths, you arent entitled to another prize. you just have conditioned yourself into a dopamine or serotonin addiction when you see the prize popup. SO when its a repeat of an unlock you;ve already unlocked, you feel slighted in some way? Bro, does a nascar driver get another 1st place trophy every time they cross the line in a race as first place? This is more like a pick your own adventure where you made one choice and followed those instructions and got to the end of it and got your prize, started to reread the adventure over again and you happened to choose all different choices but just happened to end up on the same ending as you did the last time. Well youve already gotten this ending before so when you reach it again, no extra prizes are awaiting you. lol your “loyalty” doesnt entitle you to anything because you see a popup that says there is a prize. lmao

We all understand exactly what you wrote. We all read plain English. We just don’t understand why you’re acting like spoiled child about it. We don’t understand why it’s an issue, because any sane and rational adult wouldn’t think it was an issue.

The problem isn’t that the rest of us aren’t smart enough to understand what you wrote, the problem is that most of us are adults responding like adults to something that should be a non-issue

Do you understand what I just wrote? It’s in plain English.

But by all means, please keep seething about it. Actually, cope less and seethe harder. We could all use the entertainment.

Well, maybe you can ask your parents, it seems you’re really struggling, so asking for help instead of staring at the same post for days might be able to help you understand.

Sometimes a second set of eye’s can really help.

It seems evident you havent been on the internet much if you arent vaguely familiar with that phrase from the meme.


If you are going to trigger multiple ways to get the same reward despite that prize being limited to being rewarded only once, you shouldn’t get so TRIGGERED that you didnt receive anything because you already earned it. What would be nice is if you didn’t throw a tantrum and be so entitled to think you deserve something special when you’ve done nothing to justify it when you’ve already triggered that prize another way previously.

Not everyone is going to enjoy every aspect of the game. If you don’t like multiple chances to get rewards you can just not earn the reward.

There’s no need to be toxic and call the game lame.

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“You can’t love everything about the game. And if you don’t like it, don’t play it”. --Aokighara