Premium card ideas - a suggestion for producers

I’d love to have a way to make older, uncraftable premium cards obtainable in some way. By “premium,” I’m talking about golden, diamond, or signature versions of the cards, and mostly I’m referring to golden versions of legendaries that have only been obtainable through a tavern pass of previous expansions.

I’m a returning player. I stopped playing during Voyage to the Sunken City and came back when Whizbang’s Workshop was released. I’ve been collecting premium cards for a Highlander Hunter deck for Wild for a long time, and looking at deck lists today, almost all Highlander decks run cards such as Renathal, Okani, and E.T.C., Band Manager. I missed the time frame to get those cards in golden versions, and I’d love to have a fully “blinged” deck. However, I can’t have a fully blinged deck while still building it optimally without these cards.

Please make these types of premium versions obtainable in some way, whether through achievements, events that give tickets to turn a normal legendary into a golden version, purchasable from the store (wild signatures like you did with Genn and Baku), or just making them straight up craftable.

What not to do: putting those premium legendaries in card packs isn’t a great option. Even though I consider myself a whale, getting a specific premium legendary by opening packs is way too expensive. I did that with signature Sif, and I told myself I wouldn’t do that kind of premium card hunting again.

I don’t see any downside to this, other than some players who have obtained those premium legendaries in the past may feel neglected, compared to something like MTG’s reserved list. Though, that’s a different thing since MTG cards have a fluctuating price, but it’s the best example I can think of. Monetization of cosmetics is already a big part of the game, and even though players on forums have expressed their disapproval, most of the player base is well satisfied with that sort of thing.

That being said, there is at least one premium card that even I think shouldn’t be obtainable anymore: golden Gelbin Mekkatorque. The card acts like a status symbol like no other card does, as far as I know. If there are other cards whose reprinting might cause a stir, a solution would be to reprint those cards as diamond or signature versions instead of the original gold ones. That way, the original cards with a status symbol would be recognizable in the future.

I’d like to think that I’m not alone in this, and compared to the amount of work, creating a custom art for a signature Renathal might be more profitable than creating new hero skins like the legendary C’Thun. Even if the Wild player base is considerably smaller than Standard.

Best regards,

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I believe there may be achievements you can do for some gold cards

Not sure if this is just a coincidence, but golden Heart Stonebrew just came to the store, the day after I posted this.

If my post has something to do with it, many thanks to the one who took up the matter, and I hope we’ll see more of these in the future!

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