Predictions for Quests?

How do we think Blizz will respond? I imagine it to be either a. Keep the changes as is and accept the damage/loss of players and hope everyone just accepts and forgets about it, b. Half-revert the changes to something still worse than what we had, but not as bad as we currently have, c. Full revert of the changes, and an apology, or d. None of the above/something different

They will either respond with an apology and make adjustments or stay silent. But I’m sure they are probably going to stay silent. They literally are shooting themselves in the foot. It’s like those who were in charge of mercenaries were the ones responsible for the change and well, we all know how Mercenaries was a huge flop.

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A non-apology apology. Something about how our feedback is valuable. Then a “compromise” where the quest requirements are only doubled as if they weren’t planning to use the door-in-the-face strategy the whole time.


It appears that they have chosen to go with Option B, seems typical of what I expect Blizz response to this sort of ridiculousness would be