Pre-Purchase Package getting worse again

For context why this makes me so mad: I played HS for years back in the day (2014-2018). I came back to the game about 2 months ago.

Back when I played the Pre-Purchase never was anything special so I didnt bother often.
But 2 months ago I saw what they included in the last Pre-Purchase Bundle.
I sadly missed that Pre-Purchase Bundle but figured those packs they announced with excitment at blizzcon will be purchasable or atleast included in some bundles.
So I figured I’d give HS a try again and purchase a Bundle with the next expansion in the new year to fill up the smaller pool of standard cards. Since the new rotation hits with the expansion.

In Badlands:
80 Packs, 10 golden Packs, and 20 Catch up Packs. so a total of 90 Packs of the expansion and 20 Catch-Up Packs. That means we get atleast 450 cards of the new expansion (obviously duplicate ones aswell) and atleast (for people with a full collection 100 extra cards from catch up packs, but for returning players it is 50x20 = 1000 cards.

This time, with the new expansion for the exact same price they go back to their original 90 packs. Not even 6 months after they announced their great new pack at Blizzcon.
Which is a shame, it sounds ridiculous but I would have gladly paid 79,99€ for the 90 Packs + 20 Catch-Up Packs. But will most likely not buy it without catch up packs.
This would have been a real deal for people getting back into the game.

I get “shrink-flation” with groceries and so on, groceries or books are physical product that costs more to make. But we talk about digitally created cards, that is not the place to put shrink-flation into.

But greed is always the thing Blizzard stood for sadly :frowning:

Catch-up packs don’t contain Badlands cards i.e. not of the expansion you’re buying the pre-order for.

They only contain cards from the 5 previous expansions and won’t change.

If the do catch-up packs in the future it’ll be a different type of pack.

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I know that. It ain’t about missing out on 100 new cards. Not talking about that.
But for returning players missing out on 100s of older cards (from Titan and Festival).
Since I returned 2 months ago I own less than 50% of those sets and it would help me (and a lot of returning players) alot in the new standard rotation to catch up and enjoy the game.

Thats why I would gladly pay 80€ for the mega bundle if it had catch up packs

I agree they should have catch-up packs for the new expansion

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They definitly messed up on two fronts, as old guardian said, they broke the social contract with the player base which is “u can play decks for free” with the pre-purchase epic and on top of that took immense value away from their pre-purchase bundles.

Yeah, OG was spot on about the “you can play deck for free” motto.